~* Thirteen - Promise *~

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Yoongi's POV (a few days later)

I walk into Nari's room to see her laying in her bed. I walked further in and noticed her wet pillow. She turned over in her bed.

"Holly's not in here, Yoongi." She hissed. "Now fuck off."

I sighed. "I didn't come here for Holly. I can here for you."

"Then fuck! Off!"

"Nari, this is because of Jimin, isn't it?"

She turned back to me. "What?"

"When we were getting ready for our comeback. You were sitting on the couch and Jimin back hugged you. You looked so scared. I dropped my mic to get him off of you . . . was that like the same thing that happened with Jin and the first day? He scared you too."

Nari didn't look into my eyes. "Okay, fine. They're connected. But, I don't want to tell you guys yet. I think . . . I need to come to terms with it first."

"You're gonna have to tell us eventually."

"When I'm ready."


"I promise."

"Is it some mental shit? Because if so, don't do this to yourself. When I was younger, I had anxiety and depression. I didn't tell anyone. And now, that all the boys know and you, I realize how miserable I was. So if it's like any kind of mental shit, tell someone. Please?"

Nari melted into my arms and started sobbing.

"Please, Nari. I hate seeing you like this."

"I'm ready to tell you guys."

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