Chapter 7: Someday I'll be Lucky

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"Can't it rain already?" she added. Lucián couldn't help but grin upon realizing what he would do to entertain him during the gathering. It was a dull and bland birthday celebration after all. He smiled widely at her causing her to be alarmed. It was a smile full of mischief.

"Care to join me outside? I'm a bit bored here. The atmosphere is quite dull," he said as he held out his hand for her to take. She stared at his hand in hesitation. He's planning something. Something I wouldn't like.

"What's the matter, mi amour? Having doubts? Don't be worried. I won't do anything that displeases you," he added. He was trying to annoy her or rather embarrass her.

His voice was loud enough to get some people's attention. To avoid being even more mortified, she took his hand. She avoided their audiences' eyes. She hated being the center of attention. She wanted to punch Lucián in the face.

He led her outside to get away from the stares that they've been getting. He preferred to be away from people. His so called friends were just accessories for him. If not for them, he would be seen as this odd young man who locks himself in his house.

When they arrived in the garden, Violette couldn't help but sigh in relief as if the weight on her shoulders had been lifted. It was like she could finally breathe. Nobody was outside except for them. That fact was the only thing that bothered her.

She walked towards a bench and sat on it in a unladylike manner. The expression on Lucián's face was priceless. He stared at her as if she was from another planet. He shook his head in disappointment as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are simply unbelievable."

"I know, right? So unbelievable gorgeous," she replied jokingly while posing like a model. He felt embarrassed for her that he wanted to get away from her as far as possible. This girl...She is definitely going to embarrass me.

He sat on a bench that was meters away from her. They sat quietly as they glanced at the bright blue sky. The birds chirping and noises coming from inside were the only thing that got rid of the silence.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him quickly glance at her. A thought came into her mind that reminded her of the reason she was here in the first place. "When are you ever going to let me see my dog so I can leave?"

Her question startled him. His eyes widened as he froze in place. "O-Oh. Y-Your dog? I-I....." He suddenly went silent as if contemplating. As much as he wanted to return her dog to her, he didn't want to deal with the dragon that he despised so much.

"Soon but I would prefer if you prolong your stay," he replied as he glanced at their surroundings as if he was afraid of someone hearing their conversation. "Why in the world would I stay? I really need to go back home. All of this is just crazy. I don't even know if I can stay sane after realizing that I'm in the wrong timeline."

"How are you going to get back home?" Lucián asked while looking at her for an answer. He knew that she didn't have a clue about it. If I were brought back in time, would I know the way back? No.

She went quiet afterwards, not knowing what to say. He was right. She didn't know how to get back. It was by luck that she met him. She would probably be roaming around the streets without anyone helping her. But why would he let me stay even after knowing that I wasn't from here? I could have been an insane person and yet, he didn't sent me to an asylum.

She narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion that he wasn't telling her something. He averted his gaze and stood up before saying, "It seemed to be getting late. It would be best if we leave. I'm rather drained from all these social gatherings."

Helena stared at the scene in front of her in jealousy

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Helena stared at the scene in front of her in jealousy. She sneaked inside the church to find herself in a wedding. The couple smiled lovingly to each other. She felt her heart breaking upon realizing the ugly fate ahead of her.

She can never marry him. Alexandro. As she watched the wedding unfold, she felt a heavy feeling in her chest. She wished to have a wedding as grand as this but that wouldn't happen.

She left the church before anyone could notice her. She didn't want to gather attention. She went outside to find her older brother frantically looking at his surroundings, trying to find her. As soon as she was a feet away from him, he stared at her in disbelief.

"Helena, bakit bigla ka na lang nawala? Ako'y tuloy nag-alala dahil baka ika'y napahamak o...(Helena, why did you suddenly disappear? I got worried that you were in danger or..)" She remained silent and smiled assuringly.

She didn't want him to find out. He didn't know of her relationship with Alexandro. He would be completely against it. He despised his Alexandro's family and acquaintances. He hated the fact that they were privileged enough to look down on people like them.

"Huwag kang mag-alala, Diego. Sumilip lang ako sa kasal na nagaganap sa simbahan, (Do not worry, Diego. I just looked at the wedding being held in the chruch)" she replied. He shook his head and gestured her to follow him.

"Kailangan na nating bumalik. Hinihintay na tayo ni inay at itay, (We have go back now. Mother and father are waiting for us)" he replied. Helena glanced at the church, remembering the wedding she witnessed. Maybe one day I will be lucky.

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