Chapter two••

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You stress me out you kill me you drag me down you f**k me up..and I guess you'll never know all the *bullshit* that you put me through..

Artist:Louis Tomlinson and Bebe Rexha.

"I call shotgun!" Dawn shouted as she ran towards Alex's car.
We all settled down and were on our way to the cinemas just twenty minutes away.
Brooke seeming bored turned on the cars system and back to you by Bebe Rexha and Louis Tomlinson started playing.

"I know you say you know me,know me well but these days I don't even know myself no.."she sang along as she drummed on the car seat.
" I always thought I'd be with someone else"Dawn joined in looking outside the car window.

"I thought I would own the way I felt" Alex joined then after a while they all stopped singing as they looked at me impatiently.
Giving in,"I call you but you never even answer I tell myself am done with wicked games but then I get so numb with all the laughter that I forget about the pain".
Giggling like fools ,we went on singing till we got to the cinemas.

"We're here everyone!" Alex shouted excitedly.
Getting out of the car,we spent the next few minutes in line waiting for our tickets.That's what you get for deciding to go watch a movie in the last minute.
Finally getting our tickets,we went over to get some food at a nearby cafè as we waited for the movies time line.
A tall blonde waiter with sky blue eyes walked over to us ready to take our orders.
It was clear the guy was making passes at Alex and of course she lapped it all up enjoying the attention....but the guy was good looking so I didn't blame her.
"So...what would you pretty ladies like to order today?" He asked all the time looking her way.

"I'll have poached peaches with panèttone and Greek style yogurt"
Placing all our orders,the guy left winking at Alex.
I instantly kicked her beneath the table and acting innocent as if she didn't have a clue what just happened,"Whattt....he's didn't you see the signals?" We all burst out laughing as we had some small talk.

Minutes later the guy came back with our orders.
He then left leaving a note sticking beneath Alex's plate.
Dawn quickly grabbed the note and as she read it her eyes widened in excitement.
"Oh.My.God!The guy left you his number!"
Having eaten our food,we paid and then were on our way arriving just in time for the movie after Dawn talked Alex into taking the number with her .

Taking our seats,we waited for the movie to begin...moments later,a guy came to sit next to me.
The place was dark so it wasn't easy to make out much about his façade.
Giving up,I went back to chatting with Brooke till the movie started.

"Let's enjoy this as it lasts...schools next week" she whispered her eyes fixed on the screen.
"I knowww" I whispered back making sure not to make too much noise.
The next thirty or so minutes into the movie 'To all the boys I've loved before'were silent until,
"I can't believe I actually agreed to watch this ."
The guy said his eyes fixed on the screen.Thinking I'd heard my own things,I faced the screen continuing to watch the movie when i noticed he was still looking my way though I still couldn't make out his face. Realizing he was speaking to me,

"It's not that bad".

"I guess so.But it's not the thing i'd usually go for."
The next one hour went by fast as we carefully followed the movie.
When the movie ended,I stood up facing the girls as we talked about how cool the movie was and all that stuff when,"Umm....Tally,you've got company"Brooke said and with that she went to the other girls leaving me there. Great.

Turning round to see what she meant by company,my breath got caught in my throat.
If hot couldn't explain what stood in front of me ,I don't know what could.
"Hi..." He said offering me his hand.
My brain was jumbled up and for a minute I had no idea what to do with his hand as sensible words couldn't form in my mushed up brain.Just great.
Seeing he was patiently waiting for my response,"Hi?..."Dammit I gave myself a mind slap as my response seemed more of a question than a 'hey how do you do?'type of response.See I'm over thinking things.

The guy was tall about 5" 9,blonde with bangs falling on his face partly covering his eyes,green eyes with a silvery gray outline,not to mention his welcoming pink lips where my eyes lingered for a while.A masculine jaw line and a well built body which was visible through his tight fitting tee shirt.
Fixing back my eyes to his,he smiled revealing white pearly teeth and a dimple on his right cheek.
"Talis...Talis Wolfe" I said almost too quickly and then I realized I'd told him both my names. Great.Its not as if its an interrogation Talis come on!I thought to myself all the while he was looking at me questioningly.
Chuckling,"Nice..I'm Louis...Louis Cole"
"Hey Louis!Are you coming or what?" A guy whom I guess was a friend of his called out to him.
"Coming man...chill out."

He then turned to face me," was a nice movie..and nice meeting you Talis..see you around",he then winked at me and jogged over to his friends.Wow.
Going back to the girls,"What was that?" Alex asked smiling excitedly.
"I think you mean who...and his name's Louis."
"Damn..he's hot"
"I knoww right!?" I shouted and the girls just laughed as we went back home.
Having dropped everyone on the way,Alex dropped me off as well,"See you on Monday!"She then drove off.
                      *          *             *       
                      Louis's POV

Jade had been pestering me all day and I was fed up with all her constant calls and texts.
Taking my seat in the cinema,I told her to fuck off making it clear I was no longer interested in her and that we were done then switched off my phone.She was the clingy type and I hated it.Not to mention she was the one who broke up with me then comes back months later asking for us to get back together.

Unfortunately, the seats were all taken so the guys and I didn't end up sitting together which was fine by me anyway,I needed some time alone.In the middle of the movie I found myself commenting out loud. 
The girl next to me looked at me not sure whether she should respond or not.
"It's not that bad," and then the movie went on as we sat in silence.
The movie then ended and that's when I finally noticed her talking to her friends about to leave.
She had chestnut brown skin and blue eyes.Her hair was long and dark with blue highlights.Sleek.Also,she was other words,the girl was hot ,though nothing like the girls I normally got involved with.
Approaching her,"Hey..umm.."
"Talis...Talis Wolfe".
I forced myself to hold back my laughter seeing how confused she was.
" Hey Talis, I'm Louis...Louis Cole"
Something about her intrigued me,but then anything with a skirt intrigues me.Just then Keith called me out as he stood waiting up for me with the rest of the guys who were busy checking out girls.
Saying goodbye to Talis I went over to them,"Dude...who was that! "
"Some girl ..." I said watching as she left with her friends.
"Dude...she's hot..and so are her friends... we should invite them over sometime."
"Not happening."
"Why? and Jade are done right.."
"Yea but...she's not my type."
"Well I think you should consider changing the type of girls you go after...or... you could leave her to me," Callum said.
"Will you guys shut up!" I said rolling my eyes in annoyance.
Holding his hands up in surrender, "Heyy! just saying" ,having enough of it ,we left.

                *           *             *           *

So....they finally meet!(:

Anyway nice reading.

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