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bianca's pov
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i wake up to my phone vibrating over and over again.

from jack
-bee where'd you go?
-i'm sorry.
-i didn't mean what i said last night.
-did you do anything with nate??
-i really didn't mean anything. it's all a misunderstanding please let me explain.

i mentally roll my eyes as i slowly read over his meaningless texts.

to jack
don't worry about me anymore. just lose my number jack what you said hurt me. You have no idea how much it hurt.

from jack
just let me explain baby. i fucked up i know but i didn't mean it.

i close my phone leaving him on read and think about last night. nate was so caring. he probably won't ever be like that again but he was.

i felt shuffling next to me and roll over and see nate waking up. "hi" i say awkwardly and he laughs. "hi" he says back as more of a question and we both burst out into laughter at the awkward tension.

"maybe we need to talk about this?" he asks me. "i think that sounds good." i say nodding. "want to over breakfast at ihop?" he suggests knowing how much i love their food.

"i'll go get ready, if you need to shower the one in the" "guest bathroom i know the drill" he interrupts playfully and i smile and nod.

after i shower and everything i put on some sweats and a t shirt. "ready to go?" he asks politely, smiling at me. i nod and follow him out the door and into his car.

it's so weird how everything is so different over the course of one day. i would never have thought nate and i would be going to breakfast alone in a million years.

it was a comfortable silence the whole way there. no words but we shared a couple of glances at eachother every now and then.

when we pulled into the driveway we quickly got out of the car and ran into the the building as fast as we could due to how cold it was.

"damn" he says rubbing his hands together and guides us to an empty booth and takes the seat in front of me.

"sooo" i say awkwardly dragging on the word.
and he nods.

"i'll go first." he says and i smile knowing he's going to get frustrated when the waitress comes and asks us for our drink order making him lose track of when he was going with everything.

"just wait a minute. the waitress should be coming any minute." i say and he nods. "yeah that's probably best." he says and the waitress starts to make her way over to our table. we give her our drink orders and go ahead and order our food so we won't have to wait even longer.

"okay anyways i should start with an apology" he says slowly looking at me. it kind of shocked me because he's never really one to do that. "i'm sorry for how i've been acting. i was horrible to you. starting with the day at the mall a couple months ago. i crosses the line and not to mention when you came over and drank for the first time at my place with all the boys. what i said hurt and i knew it did. i just didn't know how else to react." he says and i nod.

"you have a temper i get it, i know how hard it was just now for you to apologize and it means a lot to me. i didn't necessarily like everything you did but i forgive you." i say and his eyes grows big wide for a second and the go back to normal. "are you being for real?" he asks and i laugh. "yes nate. i forgive you." i say and he nods. the lady comes back with our chocolate milks and says our food should be out soon. and we nod both taking a sip at the same time.

"i don't know. what i'm gonna say is probably a long shot with everything that just happened." he says and i look up making eye contact with him. "look i miss you bee and everything we had before i screwed it up and i'm willing to try and fix everything if you don't mind. i know it won't ever be as good as it was but i'll work on it." he says looking off.

i guess what they say is right. they don't know what they had until they've lost it.

"i miss it too." i say and a smile grows on his face. "lets not rush into anything though." i say weary of how everything will turn out and he nods and smiles. "yes. yes ma'am. i won't screw it up this time." he says and i laugh. "don't tell me show me." i say and he smiles.


"oh my gosh! nate!" my mom says as me and nate walk in my house. "you've grown up so much since the last time i've seen you." she says embracing him in a hug. "i've missed seeing you! and so has john." she says as she breaks the hug.

"actually mom.. we're going to try and make things work again." i say awkwardly and she smiles at me for the first time in a long time. "good, i like him a lot more than jack." she says to me and i give her a fake laugh although i already knew that. she hated him ever since the first time he came over and stood up for me during dinner.

"john honey! nate and Bianca are back together!" my mom shouts at my dad from the foyer. he makes his way from the living room and hugs nate. "i'm proud of you both." he says. i've never had both of my parents this happy for me at the same time. usually dad is the most supportive one.

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