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Jacks pov

"Where are we even going to stay?" She asks as she sits back into the passengers seat. "My buddy Cameron's...you'll like him he's funny" I reply. Just hopefully not too much. He's the player type. Like me but way worse, he doesn't care about anyone's feelings except his own.

"Sounds exciting" She says nervously looking back out of her window. Something I've learned about her in the month we've been friends is she doesn't really feel comfortable meeting new guys, most likely because of nate. It took me a while to get her to open up some to me, she usually doesn't trust guys. I can see why though were horrible. Well fuck anything with a vagina and it's kind of ridiculous sometimes.

I feel bad for her but she can get through the guy thing on her own.

"He's cool, just he's kind of a fuck boy so be careful. But if you're not comfortable we can go somewhere else, I'm cool with whatever I don't want to force you to do anything." I say slowing down and pulling over until she decides.

"I don't know I'd rather go somewhere else, I don't really know him" she says awkwardly and looks over to me. Half of me is happy she said go somewhere else so Cameron doesn't try anything but some of me wanted to see him, but he could wait cause I'm with Bianca. There's honestly never a dull moment with her.

Bianca's pov

Honestly i have been thinking of what Olivia had said, she was right I would have to do it eventually. And I'd rather it be with someone I trust and I'm close with rather than someone who would fake it all just to have sex and then leave. Now that mani is out of the picture jack is next up, I know he'd drop everything to do it cause that's just the type of person he is.

He's slept with at least 10 girls the past month we've known each other. Impressive but then again I feel bad for him. I just want to know why he always wants to do it. Why not fall in love with someone, and make love and have sex with only one person that you love rather than having a hoe for a few days and moving onto the next like they're a bus stop.

I trust him and I know he wouldn't leave me. He's my best friend.

Jacks pov

"This was one of my favorite places to come with my group of friends and have parties. Me Cameron and Nash were here almost everyday" I say pulling in to the lake that brought up so many good memories and only some bad ones.  I was excited to show her something that meant so much to me so I quickly unbuckle and grab her bag as she follows me down to one of the picnic tables me and the boys hid in our secrete spot further down it had a perfect view above us where you could see all the stars and then a small clearing showing the lake where we had put up a rope swing.

I smile at the thought of when I broke my collar bone because I was too stupid and forgot to let go and came back and hit my collar bone hard on the tree. Then think of how that was the first time I had ever cussed. The boys thought I was a bad ass and started following in my foot steps until I moved. I wish they hadn't,I'm not that good of a guy.

I use people, specifically girls to get what I want..I have a way with my words.. I wish I didn't though. I've done drugs before.. resulted in Nash and Cameron doing a line of coke with me until Nash's dad caught us, I wish I never told them about it. I've hurt people, mainly my mom. We don't get along and I say some things I don't mean and it's just out of anger, I wish I didn't and I could just control my mouth. I've fucked up so many times and I just wish I could redo it all and become a better person.

Sometimes I'm scared I'll lose Bianca because of how I am, she means a lot to me. As much as I hate to admit it but I do have a soft spot for Bianca davis, she's my very best friend and I'm trying my best to do nothing that would jeopardize our friendship. I don't know what I would do after that

"Whats wrong jack?" She asks snapping me out of my deep thoughts. "Just bringing back old memories is all." I say shrugging my shoulder and finally putting  her bag on the table. "Good ones I hope" she says raising her eyebrows as she unzips her bags and pills out all three bottles of wine handing me one. "Mainly" I say back opening the bottle. She raises her bottle up waiting for me to do the same.

"To us become best friends and to the good and bad memories we are going to make through out  time" She says making me smile "Thank you. For everything jack" she adds and we both gulp down some of the wine.


"So you're telling me you would choose to fuck Megan Fox over Jennifer Lawrence?" Bianca asks surprised. She's so drunk right now only half way through the bottle. She's definitely a lightweight and I should definitely take it from her soon. "Yes Bianca I would." I say nodding my head. We've been having this conversation for about ten minutes and she's still shocked at my answer. "Megan is pretty but Jennifer.. if I was a guy I'd choose her" she says nonchalantly making me laugh. " Megan is hotter in my opinion. I'd fuck her over Jennifer" I reply and she shakes her head leaving a 2 min silence between us as we just look up at the stars and the trees around us and the moon reflecting off of the water.

"Would you fuck me?" She asks curiously looking directly at me. I was taken by surprise by her question. It's something you'd never expect to hear from Bianca, she's too pure in my opinion. She gets mad whenever I make dirty jokes so this was definitely surprising. "Look you're my best friend.. I don't want to hurt you bee. I'm not a good guy." I say shaking my head and looking down. "But to me you are jack, you wouldn't hurt me...you couldn't I know you. You wouldn't leave.. and I. I trust you jack" she says making my heart race some. Of all guys she trusts me to do this. She hates guys ever since nate so this means everything to her.

"I can't do this to you..." I say looking back up at her. As soon as I said it I regretted it. You could see the hurt in her eyes. "Am I not pretty enough? I may not be as pretty as Paige or have as nice of a body as nice as a body as Jessie and I'm sorry, but I'm tired of being a virgin! What's wrong with me jack?"she asks with her voice cracking. I should have taken the drink away a couple of conversations ago. I hurt me to hear her ask that and put her self down.

"Hey hey, listen." I say sitting by her and putting my hands on her cheeks to get her to look at me. "You're beautiful Bianca. You're prettier than page and I think you have a nice body. Being a virgin is something you should be proud of and something you should hold onto instead of giving it up because you're ashamed of it. You should do it with someone you love, not someone like me. We aren't good enough for girls like you" I say truthfully making her cry harder. She nods once then hugs me

Sorry guys I was in my feelings when I wrote this

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