{Chapter 17}

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As you jogged at a steady pace back to the skelebro's house, you couldn't help but wonder about what Flowey had been do scared of. You shrug it off as you open the front door. "I'm home." Was all you simply said, before going into the room you shared with Sans and closing the door. You pulled out your soul, wondering if there was any real harm done.

The soul had gained many more small cracks, this was not good. There was no way you could repair it, so you basically always had to be on high alert now. Your head turned to look at the door just as it opened. "Oh, Sans, it's just you." You say, sighing of relief. "Where were you? I was looking all over the place!" Sans said. "I was walking in the forest-" Sans caught sight of your soul.

"W h o  d i d  i t ?" He asked, his voice dangerously low. "F-Flowey..." You trailed off. Sans' left iris flared to life. "T h a t  l i t t l e-" He was cut off. Author~Chan appeared again, but only Sans could see her. She shook her head at him and muttered, "No profanity." Before disappearing again. Sans stopped himself from cursing, taking Author~Chan's warning.


It was a little later, and you had started wondering just how long you'd been down here. You had decided to ask Sans what month it was. "Hey Sans?" You asked. "Hm? What is it?" He responded.  "What month is it?" Sans seemed to think about this. "I think it's December, but you'll have to ask Alphys." He says. DECEMBER?! Didn't you fall down here in like... October or something?! You decided to ask Alphys for clarity.

"Hey, Alphys?" You asked. "Y-Yes, what i-is it, (Y-(Y/N)?" "Is it really December?!" You ask. You can hear Alphys go to her computer. "Y-Yeah, I g-guess it i-is. Looks like tomorrow's Christmas Eve." She says, absentmindedly. You hang up. This would be your first Christmas without your family... But, it would also be your first Christmas with your amazing skeleboyf. This thought made you blush slightly.


As you walked through Snowdin forest, you let your mind wander. You did notice that it was colder than normal, guess even the Underground has its own seasons. You walked cautiously, as you didn't want a repeat of what had happened not so long ago.

Listening intently, you heard quiet birdsong. You smiled, if only briefly. You heard the heartbeat-esque noise again. You turned around, seeing Flowey. "What do you want, weed?" You asked. He smiled nervously. "W-Well, you see..." He trailed off. "What?" You asked, even more annoyed than before.

You sensed danger. Just as Flowey tried to attack you, you had happened to slide out of the way. Flowey's face turned to one of shock. "H-How did you know?" He asked. That was a good question. How did you know he was going to attack you? Questions soared your mind. In this state, you hadn't even noticed that Flowey had fled. Eventually, you just headed back home.

Arriving tired and cold, you just walked into your and Sans' room before falling asleep.


You wake up with a start. Then you remember, it's Christmas Eve! You brush your hair and change quickly. You run out of the house and into the quaint little shop near the entrance to Snowdin. You find it larger than you remembered.

You search every area, looking for the perfect gifts. After a few hours, you found everything you needed! A new eyepatch for Undyne, a new ruby red scarf for Papyrus, some reading glasses for Toriel, a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie shirt for Alphys, a bedazzled hot pink microphone for Mettaton, and, last but not least, a sapphire blue jacket for Sans. It looked much like the one he had, except this one had larger pockets and it had incredibly warm fluff on the inside of the jacket.

You smiled to yourself, they were perfect! You grabbed a roll of (F/C) wrapping paper, before bringing all of the items to the counter. The nice bunny lady smiled at you. "That'll be 60G." She says politely. You reach into your pocket and pull out the G, gently placing it on the counter.

Thanking the nice lady, you grab the items and exit the store. You enter the Skelebro's home, hiding in Sans' room and locking the door. You wrap the presents, making sure to put a little tag on each of them saying who they're for and from.

Once finished, you smiled to yourself, unlocking the door and placing the presents next to the couch. You can see Papyrus tilt his head in confusion, obviously wondering what you doing. "HUMAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He asks the curiosity shining in his eye sockets.

"Well Papyrus, since tomorrow is Christmas, I thought I would get gifts for everyone." You said, trying to explain to Papyrus. His face turns to one of shock. "NYEH?! TOMORROW?! I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS! I SHALL RETURN LATER, HUMAN. IF ANYONE ASKS, I'M GETTING READY FOR TOMORROW!" He says, rushing outside.

You giggle to yourself, wondering just how cute Papyrus could be sometimes. Just as you had been wondering this, Sans had entered the house. "Hey Buttercup." He said, starting to walk upstairs. You noticed that he was holding a small box. "What are you doing?" You asked.

Sans looked back at you. He thought you looked adorable when you were curious. "Well, I have to wrap my present, now don't I?" He asks in a playful tone. You giggle again. "I suppose so." You respond. He rolls his eyes at you, before continuing upstairs.

When he comes back down, you see that he wrapped the box in metallic sapphire wrapping paper. You noticed how he gingerly placed it atop of the other presents. He then looked at his wrist, though he didn't even have a watch. "Ah, shoot. I've gotta go." He says, looking at you. "Sentry duty." You nod understandingly. Sans smiles before exiting.

Sorry for the delay. The Christmas Day chapter will come out a day or two after Christmas. And, sorry if the Chapter is bad, it was kinda rushed. Also, comment what you think is in Sans' small box!

(Originally Published - 12/24/18
Edited - 8/1/19)

When Two Souls Collide {Sans x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now