{Chapter 12}

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The two of you arrived home to see a peeved Papyrus. "Uhh... heya Pap." "AND JUST WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?" Papyrus asked, narrowing his eyes. "I um... we were... uh..." You stuttered. "We were on a date Paps, that's all." Sans finished for you. Papyrus' expression softened. "VERY WELL THEN. SAY, I HAVE AN IDEA." "And what's that idea Papy?" You asked. "LET'S HAVE A SLEEPOVER! WE CAN INVITE ALL OUR FRIENDS!" Papyrus exclaims. He seems excited, so you can't deny this of him. "Sure, that sounds fun!" You say excitedly. "OKAY! I'LL CALL UP UNDYNE AND METTATON NOW!" "I'll call Alphys." You say. You and Papyrus pull out your phones and get calling.

A few minutes later, everyone arrives. You and Sans are sitting on the couch, Undyne and Papyrus are in the kitchen (hope they don't burn the place down), and Alphys and Mettaton were sitting on the floor talking, probably about anime. A little bit later, Undyne and Papyrus walk out of the kitchen with snacks. Undyne sits next to Alphys and Papyrus sits next to Mettaton. You grab the TV remote and put on (F/M) (favorite movie). Halfway into the movie, you start getting tired. You snuggle into Sans and lay your head on his shoulder. You yawn and fall asleep.

As you slowly open your eyes, you can hear pictures being taken. You shoot up. You see Undyne, Alphys, and Mettaton each holding their phones. You begin blushing crimson red. Sans' eyes shoot open and he starts blushing royal blue. You couldn't move. You just stared in embarrassment, Sans, however, had a different reaction. His left eye flared to life. In an instant, he'd teleported the both of you into his room. You both sighed in relief.

A little while later somebody knocked on the door. When neither you or Sans answered, the door opened. Papyrus walked in. You mentally sighed in relief, you couldn't take any more fangirling. "ARE YOU TWO OKAY?" Papyrus asked. You nodded. "Yeah Papyrus, we're okay." "THEY'VE CALMED DOWN, YOU TWO CAN COME DOWNSTAIRS NOW." "Thanks, Papyrus, we'll be down in a second." Papyrus nodded and left. You stood up and picked up Sans. He was a little heavy, but nothing you can't handle. Sans woke up and looked at you, then himself, then back at you. "I-I'm awake now Buttercup, y-you can put me down." He says. You put him down and the two of you walk downstairs.

"Hey, darlings~ Where've you been?" Mettaton asks. "Any strange implications in that question Metta?" Sans asks. Mettaton fakes a scoff. "Why would I imply anything Sans?" "Because I know how you are Metta," Sans says knowingly. Mettaton just shrugs it off and we enjoy some games and such.


After a few hours, the group decides it's getting late. We choose sleeping groups. Alphys and Undyne are sleeping in the living room, you and Sans are sleeping in his room, and Papyrus and Mettaton are sleeping in Papyrus' room. Sans wasn't too happy about that last part. You and Sans head up into his bedroom. You close the door behind the two of you. The two of you lie down and fall asleep.

You wake up to the sound of giggling. You can feel Sans' arms around your waist. You hear the sound of a camera flash. That's what got you mad. Your eyes snapped open and you smacked the phone out of Mettaton's hand. You picked the phone up and deleted the photo. Sans woke up when you had moved. "Awww, why'd you delete that one? You two looked adorable in it~" Mettaton whined. You rolled your eyes. "Next time can you ask Metta?" "Ugh, fine darling~" You and Sans were very very flustered. The two of you got up and went downstairs.

Alphys and Undyne were already up. Papyrus was in the kitchen making breakfast. You and Sans sat on the couch. Papyrus walked in a few seconds later with spaghetti. He hands everyone a plate and you guys start eating.


Everyone left except Mettaton. Sans was pretty upset about that. He was currently with Papyrus in his bedroom. That kinda worries you. You go to the door and listen in. (Dang reader, you're quite the nosy one, aren't 'cha?) "METTATON, MY SHINING STAR, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" "No, Papy darling~ But, perhaps a kiss would revive me?" Oh. My. God. How cheesy could he get? "ANYTHING FOR YOU METTA!" Papyrus exclaimed. Oh boy, Sans is not gonna like this. "ARE YOU REVIVED YET MY SHINING STAR?" "Almost Papy, just a little more~" You felt sick. You went back downstairs.

A few minutes later, Sans comes out of his room and sits down next to you. "Hey Buttercup." "Hey, sugar skull." "Got a new nickname for me, huh?" He asks. "Yep." You say. "Well okay then, guess I'm just gonna have to live with it," Sans says before kissing you gently. You hear an excited gasp from upstairs. You groan. "I ship it!" You hear Mettaton scream. You walk up to him. "Hey Metta, could I talk to you for a second, in private?" You ask him. "Of course darling!" The two of you walk into Papyrus' room. "Okay, listen. If you tell anyone about what just happened, I'll tell Sans that you kissed Papyrus. Got it?" Mettaton nodded. "M'kay, glad we could have this chat."

You and Mettaton walked out of the room, with Mettaton slightly shaking. You took your seat next to Sans. "(Y/N), what did you do to get Metta shaking?" "Hm? I don't know what you're talking about." You lied. "Heh, don't lie to me Buttercup, I can see right through you." Sans was right. He was great at knowing when people weren't telling the truth. "You got me. Just threatened him, so that he wouldn't everyone about 'us'." Sans' smile widened. "Heh. Cool." Sans seems pretty happy that you did that. You looked to your left. Uh oh. Papyrus and Mettaton were about to kiss. Sans turned to see what you were looking at. His eyesockets darkened. You were about to calm him down when he teleported into the air above the two of them. When he fell he ended up kicking Metta in the face. You had started to snicker, trying to hold in your laughter. Eventually, you burst into a fit of laughter. "What are you laughing at?! That hurt!" You couldn't help it. You were gasping for air. You couldn't think of any better way this could've gone.

(Originally Published - 8/2/18
Edited - 8/1/19)

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