{Chapter 14}

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You sat up in the flower field. You put your hand to your side, remembering how you broke a rib in the last timeline. You rip off the left sleeve of your (F/C) sweater and wrapped it around your side. You get up and walk into the next room.

"Howdy!" You hear a voice say. 'Oh great.' You think. You look down on Flowey. "I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" He says in a cheery tone. "You're new to the Underground, aren't 'cha? Well, someone 'oughta teach you how things work around here!" "No thanks Flowey, I'm good." You say as you try to walk away from him. Suddenly, vines wrap around you, slowly tightening. 

"I don't think so, (Y/N)." He says. Flowey brings you into a battle. There's something different about your soul this time. There's a large crack down the center of it. When Flowey sees this his grin widens. "Oh boy, this'll be fun." He says. He wraps a vine around your soul, causing you searing pain. The vine tightens, causing your soul to crack more. Just as it's about to break, Toriel comes to the rescue. But, her dialogue is different this time. "Oh dear! Are you alright? You poor thing!" The battle ends and Toriel picks you up. 


Toriel had healed all the wounds that she could. You were now sitting in your bedroom, staring at the ceiling. Toriel walks in. "Hello, my child. I am sorry to say that I will not be here for a while, I have some errands to run. So please, stay here. I shall return when I can." She says. She hugs you then leaves the room. Once you hear the front door close, you spring into action. You sprint down the stairs, through the hall, and into Snowdin.

When you hear a branch snap, your mood only lightens, knowing who it is. When you reach the bridge, you freeze. "Heya. Don't you know how to greet an old friend? Turn around, and shake my hand." You whip around and hug Sans as tight as you can. He returns your hug and smiles. "You did it Buttercup, you really did." He says. You kiss his cheek. "Yep, and this time, I'm not making any mistakes. I'll save everyone." You say confidently. "I hope you do, but I'm afraid that reset came with a cost," Sans says. You cock your head to the side, confused. "What do you mean?" You ask.

Sans pulls out your soul. He motions to the large crack in the center of your soul. "That. Your soul could crack at any moment." He says. "I-It could?" You ask nervously. Sans nods. "Yeah, we have to be really careful from now on." He says. "Well, c' mon, let's re-introduce ya to Papyrus." You nod and the two of you walk past the bridge.


You were on your way to Waterfall, with Papyrus, of course, you didn't want a repeat of the last reset. (The whole Undyne situation) When the two of you reached the door, Papyrus knocked. You weren't as worried as last time so you didn't try to hide behind Papyrus. "Oh, hey Papyrus. Are you ready for your super-private one on one training session?" She asks. "YEP! AND I BROUGHT A FRIEND!" Papyrus exclaims excitedly. Undyne's eyes shift to you. "Ah, I don't think we've-" She notices you're human, her expression changes. "Hey Papyrus, mind if I talk to you for a second?" Undyne asks. "OF COURSE NOT!" He replies. Undyne and Papyrus walk into the house, leaving you outside so they could talk.

You decide to listen in. (Because at this point, you always do.) "You befriended a human?" "YES. BUT, SHE ALSO SEEMS VERY, VERY FAMILIAR." Papyrus says. "Yeah, I've got an incredible case of deja-vu right now. I feel like I know her, but I don't." Undyne says, unsure. "I FEEL THE SAME WAY. SANS ACTED LIKE THE TWO OF THEM WERE OLD FRIENDS, I'M NOT SURE WHY, THOUGH. HE SAID HE HAD JUST MET THEM NOT TOO LONG AGO." "So, that comic brother of yours is hiding things?" "SANS IS ALWAYS HIDING THINGS." "Got a point there." "ANYWAY, WE SHOULD GET BACK TO THE HUMAN, SO SHE'S NOT SUSPICIOUS," Papyrus says. Then you hear footsteps towards the door. 

You sit on the floor, tracing your finger around the floor as to not arise suspicion that you were listening. The door opened to reveal Undyne and Papyrus. "Alright, punk, we're done. C'mon in." She said. You got up off the ground and walked inside. 

A little while later, Papyrus and Undyne get into an argument about how you should be taken to Asgore. Then, you get a bright idea. "Hey, Undyne, I bet that you can't become friends with me." You say. Undyne looks furious. "PSSSH! Of course, I can! You know what? No. We're not gonna be friends... WE'RE GONNA BE BESTIES!" She yells. Heh, good job, you've just got yourself a one-way ticket to hell.


It's been a few hours, and in that small amount of time, you've managed to set Undyne's entire house on fire. You and Undyne had just barely got out in time. "Heh, sorry about your house Undyne." "YES, IT TRULY IS A SHAME." "Nah, it's fine nerds. I'll just stay with Papyrus." She says. The three of you start walking to Snowdin.

The three of you reach the skelebro's house and Papyrus unlocks the door. Sans is nowhere to be seen, probably at Grillby's. Since the cooking lesson at Undyne's went horribly, Undyne and Papyrus decided to have here instead. They went into the kitchen while you sat on the couch. It made a jingling sound. You look between the couch cushions and find 50G! You put the G in your pocket and sit back down. You hadn't even realized when you'd fallen asleep.

You woke up to the sound of pots and pans crashing. You sighed, but got up and went into the kitchen. "You guys okay in here? You guys woke me up." "OH YES, HUMAN. WE ARE ALRIGHT, SORRY FOR WAKING YOU." Papyrus says apologetically. "Nah, it's fine Papyrus. I was gonna wake up soon anyway." You say as you walk back into the living room. 

A few minutes later, Sans walks into the house. "Oh, hey Sans." "Mm? Oh, hey (Y/N)." He says as he sits down next to you. "What've you been up to, Buttercup?" "Oh, well we went to Undyne's. But we accidentally set it on fire..." You trailed off. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah. It was pretty funny, but I feel really bad for Undyne." You paused. "But, she said that she would stay with you guys, so it was no biggie." You finished. "Ah, m'kay," Sans says. You and Sans continue talking and eventually start a pun war, you lost.

"I just don't get it! How are you so good at this?!" You say, outraged. Sans chuckles. "Heh, let's just say that after all those resets, I've gotten pretty good at it." He says. You continue to pout for the rest of the day, still a bit salty about your loss. (Get it? Because Undyne's a fish and saltwater... no? Okay, I'll get out...)

(Originally Published - 8/14/18
Edited - 8/1/19)

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