Chapter 16 S class trials conclusion

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Fairy tail, with Gohan-

*The next day, S class trials platform*

Everyone took their seats to see the upcoming fights. Gohan took a seat next to Erza. "Good morning Erza, how are you?" asked Gohan, smiling.

"Im good, what about you?" asked the red haire pretten, smiling. "Im great" answered Gohan.

"Today, we continue our S class trials promotion. Todays first fight will be Trunks vs Natsu." announced Makarov, making Natsu and Trunks step on the platform.

"BEGIN!" yelled Makarov, signaling that the fight has began. "Come on Natsu, lets see how far youve come!" said Trunks, while lowering his ki to match his opponents.

"Alright then, im all fired up!" siad Natsu, smirking. He began gathering fire in his hands, after joining them, he infused his attack with ki and shouted "Fire dragons brilliant flame!" Natsu threw the fire ball at Trunks, who dodged the attack by jumping up. "Fire dragons sword horn!" Natsu quickly covered his body with flames and propelled himself towards Trunks. He headbutted Trunks in the stomach, and with that he sent him flying. Natsu was still headbutting Trunks, the lavender haired demi saiyan regained himself and elbowed Natsu, sending him spiraling to the ground.

Trunks landed close to Natsu, while he was getting up. Natsu then rushed at Trunks, and began throwing punches and kicks. Trunks had a little difficulty dodging or blocking them, when Trunks saw an opening, he kicked Natsu, sending him slightly back. "Fire Dragons flame elbow!" shouted Natsu, making flames burst out of his elbow. He punched Trunks in the stomach, which sent him flying. He then proceeded with a barrage of attacks, that connected with the demi saiyan. "FIRE DRAGONS GRIP STRIKE!" shouted Natsu, while putting his hand on Trunks. He released a huge amount of flames and ki, which resulted in a giant explosion.

After the smoke settled, the only damage Natsu has done were a few scratches on the lavender haired kid and his clothes slightly ripped. Trunks rushed at Natsu, while putting his hands on Natsus chest, creating small ki blasts. They exploded, and the explosion engulfed Natsu. Natsu jumped out of the smoke, being slightly wounded. "I won't be loosing!" laughed Natsu, as he charged at Trunks again. Trunks whacked the upcoming Natsu with his tail, creating a bruise on Natsus cheek. Natsu stumbled back, while rubbing his bruise. Natsu was panting, but Trunks just stood there, not even looking tired. "Train hard Natsu." said Trunks, before punching his opponent in the gut, making him go unconscious.

"And the winner is Trunks. Our next fight will be Gohan versus Erza!" announced Makarov, while Trunks carried Natsu to the medical room.

Gohan materialized a sword for himself, and stepped on the platform with Erza. He lowered his ki to be at Erzas level.

"I wont dissapoint you!" smiled Erza, while getting ready to fight Gohan. Gohan nodded, and returned the smile.

"BEGIN!" yelled Makarov, signaling the start of the fight.

"Requip: Heaven's wheel armor!" Erza began glowing, before she was covered in armor. The armor was made out of silver metal, and it also gave her wings. Erza flew up, and swords began spinning around her. "Circle sword!" yelled Erza, before throwing the attack at Gohan. He dodged the attack, but after the attack made contact with the floor, the swords separated and flew in different directions. Gohan had a hard time dodging them, so he slashed the at upcoming swords with his sword, making them hit the platform. Erza rushed at Gohan, and began her assault. She began slashing 2 swords at Gohan, which he countered with his own, or dodged with a huge amount of difficulty. "Trinity sword!" said Erza ,slashing Gohan in a delta formation.

Gohan created a ki shield, which blocked the upcoming attack. Erza began slashing her two swords at Gohan again, this time, smirking. "BlumenBlatt!" yelled Erza, increasing the pace of her attack. Gohan blocked all of the shots, and Erza flew up. Behind her was a sword barrage, that was headed towards Gohan!

'This is bad!' thought Gohan, as he created a stronger ki shield to block the upcoming attacks. The attacks broke the ki shield, and they began making contact with Gohan.
"OW!OW!OW" yelled Gohan, as the attacks made contact with him. He dodged out of the way, but he had a few cuts. Gohan infused his sword with ki, and rushed at Erza. She tried to block the upcoming attack with her sword, but Gohans attack broke it! Some tiny ki blasts came out of Gohans slash, and made contact with Erzas armor. They crippled the armor slightly. Erza requiped a new sword, and rushed at Gohan. "Pentagram slash!" yelled Erza, as she began slashing her sword in the shape of a pentagram at Gohan. He dodged 4 of the 5 slashes, and a cut came up on Gohans gi. 'Shes not bad' smirked Gohan, while landing on the ground.

Gohan chopped the side of Erzas armor, breaking it. She stumbled back, from the sudden pain. Gohan then proceeded with the barrage of kicks and punches, which he threw at Erza. She blocked most of them, but some got through. Gohan then suddenly stopped his attack, and flew slightly back. "It has been fun Erza, but im afraid that il have to finish this" said Gohan, as he got behind his opponent, and gave her a swift neck chop, which knocked her out.

"And the winner is Gohan! Our next fight will happen in about five minutes, stay tuned!" said Makarov, while Gohan carried Erza to the medical room, bridal style.

Gohan put the unconscious Erza on one of the medical beds. 'Lets see if this works...' Thought Gohan, as he began giving Erza some of his ki

Erza opened her eyes, and saw Gohan standing next to her. "Hey Gohan..." said Erza, smiling. "Hey Erza... sorry for-" Gohan didnt finish his sentence, due to Erza interrupting him.

"Dont be sorry, youd win anyway, now, go and beat Trunks!" said Erza, motivating Gohan.

"I will win! See you soon, Erza" said Gohan, as he left the medical room waving. "See you soon Gohan." said Erza,waving.

"Due to Gildarts still being on his mission, this will be our last fight. Gohan versus Trunks!" announced Makarov. Gohan and Trunks stepped on the platform, preparing to fight each other.

"Lets show everyone a fight theyl never forget!" said Trunks, making Gohan nod. "Begin!" announced Makarov.

Gohan threw a roundhouse kick at Trunks, which he blocked by raising his arm. Suddenly, they disappeared. "Where did they go?" asked Happy, looking around for the two demi saiyans. Grey looked up, and pointed at where they are "Theyre over there!" yelled Grey, making everyone look up. Trunks was attacking Gohan with a barrage of punches, which Gohan blocked. Gohan threw two punches at Trunks, which he caught, and began forcing Gohan to the ground. Gohan kicked Trunks in the stomach, which made him let go.

"I suggest we skip the warm up" said Gohan, making Trunks nod. They both began powering up, causing the sky to darken. Trunks went super saiyan, while Gohan powered up to the max of his base form. Trunks started throwing ki blasts at Gohan, creating a big cloud of smoke around his opponent. The cloud settled, and Gohan wasnt there...
Gohan got behind Trunks and kicked him, sending him flying to the ground. Trunks caught himself, and rushed towards Gohan. Gohan was ready to block the upcoming attack from Trunks, but it was an after image! Trunks kicked Gohan from behind, and sent him flying. Trunks caught up with Gohan, and punched him. Gohan regained himself, and said "Kaioken!". Gohan was surrounded by a red aura, and began attacking his opponent. Quite a few of the attacks got through the younger demi saiyans defenses, which wore down Trunks slightly.

Trunks flew away from Gohan, and began charging a final flash attack. "Kaaaa...meeeee...haaaa...meeee..." said Gohan, as he began charging the kamehameha wave. "Finaaaaall..." said Trunks, almost ready to launch his fathers strongest attack. "HAAAA!""FLASH!" the two fighters released their ultimate attacks, and they collided with each a moment, the final flash was pushing the kamehameha wave back. "Kaioken!" yelled Gohan, pushing more power into the kamehameha wave. The final flash got pushed back, and Trunks lost the struggle. He got engulfed by the kamehameha wave, and fell to the ground. Trunks got back up, panting. Gohan landed on the platform, panting slightly less than Trunks.

Trunks clenched his fists, yelled, and began powering up further. He was surrounded by some electricity, and a huge yellow aura. With one last yell, Trunks transformed in to an ascended super saiyan. Trunks rushed at Gohan, and began attacking him. This time, Trunks had the edge. "Kaioken x2!" yelled Gohan, as he was covered by an even larger red aura. He charged at Trunks, and threw a punch. The punch connected, and Trunks got knocked out of his assj form, due to his wounds and strain. He reverted back to mssj, and dropped to one of his knees. "You... win... Gohan..." said Trunks, panting. Gohan came up to Trunks and helped him get up

"And the winner is Gohan!" announced Makarov, getting cheers from the audience...

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