Chapter 9 Gohan reveals himself

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Dbz, with Goku-

Goku and Chi Chi were eating breakfast.

"Hum... gbong trho thrain wschit Picrfoglo fafttrer brflkrast" Goku managed to say, while chewing the food the his mouth was filled it.

"Okay Goku, why dont you try saying that without your mouth full!" Chi Chi scolded Goku, causing him to swallow it.

"I was saying that im going to train with Piccolo after breakfast!" Said Goku, smiling.

Chi Chi sighed, knowing that its useless to stop him. "Fine, go and have fun!"

Goku got off his seat ,walked up to Chi Chi and hugged her. "Thanks for the breakfast honey"

He then unwrapped his hands and used instant transmission.

'Hel never change' chuckled Chi Chi.

-Fairy Tail, with Gohan-

"Frieza came and started to fight Vegeta, thanks to the zenkai boosts Vegeta was able to go to toe to toe with Frieza. A zenkai boost is a power increase that a saiyan gets from healing up after a near death injury. Frieza transformed and no could scratch him. He nearly killed Krillin and i got mad. I started pummeling him and threw a large ki blast at him. He got knocked down and started fighting me, but i lost. As it turned out, Dende, the green namekian that i saved can heal us. He healed me and Krillin. Krillin threw a kienzan at Frieza, cutting off his tail. Frieza got mad and started chasing Krillin. Piccolo arrived to the battle field, but before so he fused with Nail. He easily outmatched Friezas second form, making him transform again. Piccolo stood no chance against Frieza. Vegeta asked Krillin to blow a hole through him, and Dende to heal him to get stronger. They did so and Vegeta got a lot stronger. Meanwhile, Frieza transformed in to his final form... He sent a blast directly at me, with the intention of killing me, but Vegeta kicked me out of the way, thus saving me. He fought Frieza , but he stood no chance. Frieza killed Vegeta. Just then my dad came to the battle field, and started fighting Frieza. They were evenly matched, until Frieza admitted that he was using about 2-3% of his power. He then powered up to 50% of his power, and my dad stood no chance. My dad used Kaioken x20, making him go to to toe with Frieza. He threw a kamehameha wave at Frieza, he blocked it but it burned his hands a bit. My dad began to get knocked around by Frieza."

"If you could give us a power scale, how strong is Frieza?" asked Natsu

"Id say... he is a star buster + at 100%" Answered Gohan, making everyones eyes bulge out of their sockets.

"So, my dad started charging the spirit bomb and Piccolo began distracting Frieza, my dad threw it and we thought it killed Frieza. As it turned out, he survived and he killed Krillin and almost killed Piccolo. My dad got angry beyond belief, and he turned super saiyan. The super saiyan form increases a saiyans power by 50 times, and it gives them gold hair and green- blueish eyes. He started winning against Frieza, until Frieza threw a ki blast at the planets core, destroying it. The planet had 5 minutes until it exploded. Due to Piccolo being alive, the dragon balls on planet Earth were activated. We wished for everyone who Frieza has killed to be revived, and to be transported to Earth besides Frieza and my dad. My dad won against Frieza with Namek exploding, and it took him 1 year to get back to Earth. We wanted to wish him back but he didnt want to come back, so we wished a new planet for the Namekians and transported them there. We also wished back Krillin and my dads friends. One year later, Frieza and his dad came to Earth, wanting to kill my dad, but he wasnt there yet. Then another super saiyan came out of nowhere, and he killed them without breaking a sweat. He then told us that my dad will be here in 3 hours. We waited for 3 hours and my dad came to Earth. Turns out he was Vegetas son from the future. He informed us that 2 android will appear in 3 years and they will kill everyone. He gave my dad medicine, that would cure his upcoming deadly disease. We trained for 3 years, and Vegeta attained super saiyan. Bulma gave birth to Vegetas kid. We started fighting 2 androids, but they were the wrong ones. My dad got sick, and the androids beat him. Vegeta 'saved' him, and took down one of the androids. The other one ran away and activated the real androids. One of my dads friends took him to his house where the medicine was located. The 2 androids rebelled against their master and killed him. They activated another android, even stronger then they were. Vegeta fought one of the androids, and he got both of his arms broken."

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