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Felix POV

How cute of my shister to say that to her best friend who has a crush on her. I pat Jeno's head and ruffling his hair "Hang in there. Don't make it obvious that you like her" i whispered on to his ear. He then nodded and tried to avoid eye contact as much as possible. Word: tried.

Being with these 4 kids is actually fun because so many things are happening right now. Haechan and Jaemin are arguing about who's
the better bias in Red velvet. Jeno blushing and taking glances at Sam even though i told him not to make it obvious. Sam just being herself.......eating snacks and watching youtube. "Kids, we should go to sleep soon. It's almost 2 in the morning" i told them while checking my phone.

"Why are you calling us 'kids'? You, yourself is also a kid" Sam said sarcastically. "Gee thanks, sis. I wonder who would panic when I'm not there to hold their hand whenever we are out?" I said while tapping my fingers on my chin. I saw Sam's eyes widen and she attacked me. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!!!!" I screamed in pain "That's what you get for insulting me!!"

"Yah! Its not my fault that you don't like being alone cuz you've been like this ever since mum and dad died!!!" She suddenly stop hitting me and she stood up and walked up to her room. The 3 boys, watching us as if its some reality show. "Wow" The 3 said altogether and i'm a bit terrified of those three because they do everything in sync.

"Wait WHAT?? YOUR PARENTS DIED?!?!?! I THOUGHT THEY BROUGHT YOU HERE TO DEBUT OR SOMETHING" Jeno said "They did send us here because of my career and after few days, we heard from the news that my parents died from a terrible incident and they lost lots of blood and died when they reached the hospital" i said while holding back my tears.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that and i think you should apologize to Sam cuz she seems to be missing them" Jaemin said and i nodded at him.

I went up to her room and knocked on her door. "Hey sis, you okay in there? I'm sorry about what i said about mum and dad earlier. I couldn't handle myself when i'm mad and i didn't mean to say it to you. Please forgive me Sam. We could go for pizza tomorrow when i'm done with my photoshoot" i said while standing on the door.

Then, sam opened the door and i fell down with a huge thud sound. "I forgive you. Its just that i can't accept the fact that mum and dad are no longer with us but watching us from above" she said looking down.

"I have an idea! Why don't we order pizza tomorrow after my photoshoot and Jeno could invite Jaemin and Haechan over!!!" "That's seems to be a great idea" she said and she hugged me dearly. "I promise that nothing would happen to you when i or jeno is around" i kissed her forehead. I kept her company and letting her release her sadness.

"Sammy, let's go down. The others are waiting for us" I said while still hugging Sam. "Alright but before that, let's stay like this because we've barely hug like this ever since you got busy with your career" she said and i nodded with smile.

"YAH! YOU TWO HURRY UP DOWN HERE. JENO IS LOSING HIS MIND" Jaemin said trying to stop him. We broke the hug and hurry downstairs "What? Why? What happened?" Sam said started to panic.

"Jeno was crying because he was watching cat videos and he saw a cat that looked like his and broke down" Haechan said while scrolling through Instagram. "I MISS MY CATSSSS!!! I MISS MY BONGSIK, SEOL-IE AND NAL-IE" Jeno cried while hugging Jaemin.

"Oppa, it's alright. I've been lonely and wanted a pet but someone doesn't approve" Sam said while staring at me. "I mean we can adopt a cat if you'd like and since Jeno misses his cats, we can adopt one" I said sighing. "Hyung, can we?? I'm afraid it will do you much trouble" Jeno said while wiping his tears.

"No, its alright. Sam has been begging me to have a cat because she has been lonely lately here" i said. Jeno's face immediately became happy and hugged me. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!" I stroked his hair while still hugging him.

"Tomorrow, we can go to the shelter and adopt a cat" i said. The 4 kids clapped like a seal and made lots of noise. "Now, let's sleep. I'm tired and its 4:45 in the morning" I said while yawning. We tugged in our blanket and fell asleep right away.

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