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Third person POV

When the 4 teens are watching a show, Felix came home. "Jeno! Sam! I'm home~~. Sorry to keep you waiting" Felix said while holding his bag. The four looked at him at once and Felix is confused.

"Uh..... am i missing or bothering anything? Why are they 4? Since when i adopted another 2 boys??"
Felix said while putting his stuff on the kitchen counter.

"Ah~, Felix hyung. You see, my friends haechan and jaemin were planning on a sleepover so, we are doing it here. If you don't mind" Jeno said while scratching the nape of his neck.

"You are doing a sleepover without telling me??" Felix said while crossing his arms. "Please don't be mad. We didn't know you're home early today and you always come home quite late so we wanted to have a sleepover since it's only sam and i here alone but mostly me cuz Sam goes to sleep early" "What?? I'm not mad at you inviting people around UNLESS Sam is around then I'm good.

What I'm upset is you didn't invite me to your sleepover. I feel so left out" Felix fake cry and the 4 teens looked at him. "Sorry, my brother can be a bit childish at times despite his deep voice" Sam said to Haechan and Jaemin.

"It's alright. Jeno is the same whenever he wants food. He gets clingy" Jaemin said being unbothered "I understand. I've been there before" Sam said and we saw Jeno blushing.

Haechan and Jaemin looked at each other and smirked at Jeno who's blushing as red as a tomato. "Oppa, are you okay?" Sam asked Jeno "Yea I'm fine. Just feeling hot that's all" Jeno replied trying to hide the redness on his face.

"Hyung, do you wanna join our sleepover?" Jaemin asked happily showing his beautiful smile. Felix thought about it and joined with the other 4 teens. He went to change his clothes to pajamas so he won't look too awkward.

"What are we going to do?" Sam asked "We're going to play truth or dare" Haechan said while taking a glance at Jeno. The others clapped like a seals and started the game. They spinned the bottle and it landed on Sam.

So, everyone cooed and excitedly asked their question. "Truth" Sam said "Alright. Among the three of us besides your brother, who would you most likely to date and why?"

"Hmm tough one. I would like to go with Jeno because I'm close to him and he can cook very well. He can take care of me when Felix isn't around" Everyone except Sam looked at Jeno's expression and he blushed. "How nice of you to say that, Sam. You can count on me" Jeno said while not making eye contact with Sam.

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