thirty five

390 18 1

a few months later

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"it's almost christmas, jungoo," taehyung cooed, squeezing his boyfriend's cheeks.

jungkook smiled sheepishly, "yes, two days, babe. what do you want for christmas?"

"all i want for christmas!!!!!ㅡ is you!" taehyung dramatically sang loudly, earning a smack from jungkook, "stop being so loud!"

taehyung laughed, sending tingles down jungkook's spine as he felt his vibrations penetrate through his body. the two males were cuddled up on the couch, watching a show as snow delicately fell from the sky.

jungkook nuzzled his head deeper into taehyung's neck as he brought the blanket closer to him. taehyung got a better hold of him, his arm wrapped around the younger.

"we need to go shopping today." jungkook said, head resting on his chest, constantly hearing taehyung's heartbeats.

"but, it's snowing." taehyung whined, turning his head to the slightly fogged up window, watching the tremendous amount of white sprinkles accumulate on the ground.

"c'mon!" jungkook whined, purposely shifting his body roughly in his seat, causing a pained groan to escape from taehyung, "jungkook, you little shit," he muttered, causing the younger to snicker, craning his head higher to place a peck on the elder's soft cheek.

"let's go!"

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