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jungkook was listening to taehyung ramble on and on about this movie that he had anticipated to watch all month, and it was finally out. jungkook chuckled, in awe as he kept talking about these things with a passion.

jungkook entered the theater as the popcorn aroma smacked him in the face, making his stomach growl. he hasn't eaten much in the past days either. he had just been taking extra shifts to distract him, causing him to overwork and then, he goes home to drown himself in his thoughts. it wasn't healthy as jungkook clearly knew, but he couldn't help it.

taehyung snickered, "don't worry, i'll buy you popcorn." he said. before he even let jungkook speak a word, he dashed to the popcorn line already. jungkook smiled at his consideration. his girlfriend must be so lucky.


jungkook had no clue what was going on in this movie as he certainly have not watched the previous movie. he eventually became bored, and he shifted his eyes from the big screen to taehyung. he was so focused, and had a smile on his face. jungkook munched on his popcorn, amused by taehyung's amusement.

he realized how staring was creepy, so he stopped. he kept eating the popcorn, forgetting how much he had eaten until he realized that he ate the whole bag. he gulped, feeling bad that taehyung only got to eat a few pieces. plus, he paid for it. he bit his lip, poking taehyung, shyly apologizing. taehyung laughed and insisted it was okay, turning his focus back to the movie. jungkook sighed in relief.

on the ride back home, jungkook once again had to listen to taehyung's rambles. he enjoyed going to the movies with him nonetheless, even if he didn't understand anything. he just enjoyed spending time with him and soon, taehyung's rambles had become zoned out, and jungkook closed his eyes, falling into a slumber.

taehyung stopped talking after a minute, realizing he got no response back from the younger. he called his name, but no response.

taehyung stopped at a red light to look over at jungkook. the lower half of his face was buried into his jacket and his cheeks were puffed. taehyung chuckled, averting his attention back on the road.


"jungkook," taehyung called, gently shaking the sleepyhead conscious.

"hmm?" jungkook mumbled as he opened his eyes, confused about his surroundings before landing his eyes on taehyung, lightly smiling at him.

"you're home. go in and sleep. you look really tired." taehyung said, ushering him to rest.

"okay. thank you for taking me and for the popcorn..." he sheepishly said, noticing a grin on taehyung's face.

"no problem."

"goodnight hyung, i'll see you tomorrow." jungkook said, hopping out of the car.


"where were you?!" seolhyun asked, distress displayed on her face as taehyung entered the house.

"i told you i was at work." he said lowly, taking his shoes off.

seolhyun crossed her arms, "your extra shift would allow you to come home at around 8. it's 9 pm. i called you like ten times around 7, but i couldn't reach you, so i called your workplace, and they told me that you went home already. care to explain?" she snapped, narrowing her eyes at taehyung.

he flushed in embarrassment when his own girlfriend just exposed him of his lie.

"fine. i went to the movies with my co-worker. happy?" he muttered, annoyed, walking past seolhyun.

"i thought you told me we were going together. you asked me first. why'd you go with someone else? i even called you telling you i was free." she said, continuing to pester taehyung.

he loosened his tie, sighing, "i was going to ask my co-worker anyway since you canceled on me, but when you called me, i already asked."

"you could've told him that i was available again!" seolhyun argued back, extremely bothered.

taehyung's face riled up in disgust, "why would you say something like that? do you know how selfish you sound right now? i can't just blow him off after i already asked him, it's just not nice." he said, tone getting stronger.

"but you can blow me off for it?" she asked, feeling offended.

taehyung scoffed, "i don't know why you're making this into a big deal. you want to see the movie? i'll bring you there."

"no. i don't want to." she sternly replied, making taehyung's face go in disbelief.

"okay, then why are we arguing about this if it's nothing?" taehyung asked, raising his voice.

"you're impossible!" she shouted, stomping up the stairs to her room.

taehyung sighed in frustration, extending his arms out. the fuck just happened??

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