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"jungkook." taehyung called out, looking concerned.

jungkook had eyebags, and during this past week, he looked like he had broke. he had been feeling down. it would explain so because ever since that day of the lunch bringing event, taehyung's girlfriend was always coming into the office, accompanying him. jungkook would have to listen to their intimate conversations, noises, and he couldn't help but to let it impact him. however, she wasn't here today.

"jungkook?" he called again, putting a hand on his shoulder.

jungkook snapped out of his trance and looked up at taehyung. it's been a while since they've talked, and jungkook missed his presence. he knew he was always there, but his attention wasn't.

"are you okay? you look out of it." taehyung said, cautiously. jungkook rubbed his eyes, tiredly, "yes. i just uh- um didn't have enough sleep last night."

jungkook didn't even sleep last night. he hasn't once gotten a good night's sleep in the past three days.

"are you sure? you seem upset too. are you feeling down about anything?" taehyung asked, continuing to interrogate him.

jungkook shook his head, "it's fine. anyway, where's your girlfriend today?" jungkook asked, trying to change the subject.

"she told me she had errands to run, so she's not here today. why?" taehyung asked, eyeing jungkook.

"just wondering. it's just because she's always here and to not see her was pretty odd." jungkook shrugged, trying to not sound bothered at all. if only he knew how much it had bothered me.

"oh, okay." taehyung piped, acting if it was nothing. "so, are you free after work?" taehyung asked, plopping on the office chair, rolling over to jungkook.

"i'm always free, why?" he asked, lazily.

"there's this movie that i've been wanting to watch, and i was going to watch it with my girlfriend, but she's not free today. she's at this meeting, and she has to stay over. i already bought tickets, and now i have an extra. wanna come?"

jungkook's mind went off like crazy. he felt happy, even if he was treated as a replacement, but it was taehyung.

"sure." he replied, causing taehyung to cutely clap. jungkook's heart squeezed at the thought of watching a movie with himㅡa brightly lit tv in a dark room with the screen colors illuminating the room while watching in silence.

jungkook could not wait.

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