thirty three

389 20 1

"bullshit! if you liked me, you would've stayed loyal to me and proved to me that you do." jungkook huffed, brushing his fingers through his hair back.

"you haven't given me a chance to explain." taehyung softly said, making jungkook's head snap his way, "then, explain." he demanded, giving him a mild glare.


the elevator suddenly stopped moving, and it descended violently about a foot, causing the two males to lose their balance and fall.

"w-what's happening?!" taehyung freaked out, holding onto the bars.

the lights started to flicker and dim, causing jungkook to gasp. he quickly went up to the elevator, pressing the emergency call button.

"hello, this is the lobby. what is your emergency?"

"uh-um i think the elevators broke down. we're stuck in here." jungkook awkwardly said, looking around.

"okay sir. stay in place. which floor are you on?"

jungkook bent back and craned his neck upwards, "it says we're on the seventh floor."

"i'll get a hold of the maintenance guy, sir. please be patient til i reach back."

"thank you." jungkook piped, taking a seat in the opposite direction of taehyung.

jungkook noticed taehyung was about to cry, leading him to ask in concern, "hey, what's wrong?"

taehyung started to breathe heavily, holding dearly onto the bars. jungkook noticed his actions as taehyung's fists turned white from grabbing too hard.

"hey hey, relax. we're going to be out here soon-"

the elevator dropped again, causing taehyung to shriek, holding onto the bars while shedding a tear.

"hey, hyung. calm down." jungkook said, crawling to his side. he attempted to get taehyung's hands off the railings, bringing it to his own, in hopes of calming his nerves.

as soon as jungkook latched his hands together with taehyung's, his hidden feelings that he had been denying rushed right back. his heart sank, holding his hands tighter.

taehyung continued to shake in fear as he was desperate to get out. jungkook softened at the elder feeling so threatened in this elevator.

"stop crying. we'll be out soon, okay?" jungkook said, rubbing his arm soothingly, patting it occasionally.

they stayed like that for a few minutes before taehyung broke the silence, "jungkook-ah, i want to explain many things." he said, sighing before continuing, "i know i fucked up so many times, and it's always haunting me. i never had any intentions of hurting you, yet i still did. i am 110% over seolhyun. i really am. that day in the theatersㅡ i'm so sorry. i should've paid attention to you and our date. the other day when you saw us kissing... she kissed me. i called her over to talk out our differences since i didn't want to leave on a bad note, and she wanted a last kiss, and i let her when i shouldn't have. i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have let her at all. i didn't kiss her back, but i know it's still as bad. i'm so sorry jungkookㅡ for everything. i don't expect you to forgive me of course, but i wanted to try. i miss you so much in the office. the new worker doesn't even speak to me, and you're always on my mind. i'm so lonely there. i never see you anymore, and the light of my days are gone. i noticed you and jimin were so much closer now, and it made me envy him so much. he's probably so much better than me, and you deserve someone like him. you two share the same interests, and he hasn't inflicted pain upon you. i'm so sorry. i'm sorry for hurting you and seeming like i lead you on, but believe me when i say that you're still the one in my eyes that i adore, care for, and yearn to be with."

jungkook let it all sink in and loosened his grip on taehyung. when taehyung felt his hands loosening, he looked up panicked. his face fell, seeing jungkook in tears.


"sh-shut up." jungkook whimpered, letting his tears fall freely down his soft cheeks. taehyung's eyebrows raised, immediately putting his arms around him.

"why couldn't you have done that a lot sooner?" jungkook asked, causing taehyung to become alert all of a sudden.

"wh-what do you mean?" taehyung asked, confused.

"i missed you too, asshole!" jungkook yelled, smacking taehyung's arm hard, wrapping his own arms back afterwards.

taehyung yelped, but he teared up in relief, exhaling while smiling. the elevator suddenly started dropping again, causing the elder to shriek in despair, holding onto the younger for his dear life. now, he was tearing from fear. this felt like the drop rides at the amusement parks, which he was terrified of.

jungkook held him tight, trying to make him feel safe. taehyung was curled into a ball, squirming into his chest while jungkook had his arms placed around him. they continued to be in that position for the next hour.

"taehyung?" jungkook called, after not feeling the elder shift any longer.

"hm?" he let out lazily, muffled, still into his chest.

"you tired?" jungkook asked, playing with the locks of taehyung's soft hair. he nodded in response, getting more comfortable.

without thinking, jungkook craned his neck down a little, planting a soft kiss on the top of taehyung's head. he quickly heated up, thankful that he was in his chest, somewhere he could not see his face.

taehyung's head slowly lifted up, gazing intently into jungkook's eyes before leaning in to close the gap between them.

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