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Diary Entry 002
19th October, 4:08 pm

Stress. Stress is a feeling of emotional tension and if I were to define it in one word it would no other than be; Friday. Some may consider Friday as the best day of the week but I have mixed feelings about that.

The pro about Friday is that I am gifted with two holidays in which I would go either go to my best friends' house. The cons of Friday are that I will stress upon the project that I have been assigned to and the continuous classes of complete torture and boredom I have to bare. I love music but baring 3 hours with Mr.Kang is sure a pain in the arse.

The major test is on Monday and I don't have a good piece to present. Maybe should I go to the secluded area of Daegu to and be inspired to create a presentable piece. Home? Haven't been there for a while maybe I should grab a bus ticket back to home? I do miss Mama's beef chilli dry and her infamous kimchi.

I should stop daydreaming about the appetizing fermented cabbage and book a ticket. I wonder if would meet the inscrutable woman again but today is Friday not Saturday.

I shouldn't sulk over a stranger! I'm going home to be inspired not to admire the enigmatic being. Who ever she is, she sure managed to capture my eye and I hope I at least accomplish to know her name?



His ivory coloured fingers released his grip around the black fountain pen, gently attaching it's cap with a satisfying click. He placed the pen on the gunmetal grey desk, using his thumb, index finger and middle finger to close his journal with a thud noise.

He spun a 360° turn in his revolving chair to search for his midnight blue backpack and once he identified where it was hidden in the clutter of various objects he owned and securely place it within the backpack.

He grabbed his black wallet which had his intials, MYG, engraved on the bottom to check for if he had enough money to pay for his last minute trip with a small nod he calculated all his expense for his sudden trip in his mind. Yoongi shoved his wallet in his front pocket and rammed everything he thought was important to the trip in his backpack but he was of course careful with his prozed possessions; the iPad and the mini keyboard.

Yoongi rummaged through his American cherry wood and maple veneer closet to wear a pure black hoodie. His porcelain fingers closed the wardrobe and he swinged his backpack with a whoosh and closed his white bedroom door. The chimes of the clink sound was heard as Yoongi's fingers grabbed his apartment keys. The black cap with piercings dangling at the edge perfectly fitted on his head. He locked his apartment and jogged his way outside the building.

His black Converse moved quickly towards his destination. Yoongi noticed that the sky seemed gloomy today but didn't manage to settle his mood along with weather when he discovered the infamous stand that sold his favourite street food.

And they were no other than spicy rice cakes.

Yoongi absolutely loved the the rice cake soaked in flaming, hot sauce. He loved the expectional flavour burning his tastebuds along with his tongue. Just by staring at the familiar stand, his mouth started to water.

Yoongi bought the warm canister which contained the delicious spicy rice cakes. This mini stop added a few more minutes in his journey time to the ticket office but Min Yoongi can't say no to good food.

Yoongi made his way to the office as he satisified his stomach with succulent taste. He was in luck today as he managed to grab a last minute ticket to his home. The bus arrived shortly after 10 minutes. And in those 10 minutes, Yoongi hummed random melodies that swimmed across his gifted mind.

The dark green electric doors of the the bus opened swimmingly. The swarm of bodies were pushed together as many tried to leave from the bus while the ones who patiently waited for their turn to enter the bus.

Yoongi entered in this bus smoothly as he entered his token inside the bus. He found a lone seat next to the window and made his way towards his seat. His pale fingers inserted his earphones before he blasted Eminem on shuffle.

Min Yoongi noticed the uncanny resemblance of the petite girl, who was sitting across him, and he couldn't firmly place his finger as he whispered to himself, "Why does she look so familiar?"

The bus ride soon came to an end and now time was the only enemy Yoongi had to face in order to be inspired in the hills of Daegu.

The bright sun was beginning to set as the lampposts were beginning to illuminate the isolated streets. Yoongi first walked his way to his house but before he could ring the bell he was greeted by his neighbour.

"Yoongi! It's been so long! Nice to see you!"

"Oh Mrs.Lee! Yes, it has been!"

"Your family isn't home at the moment, son. They went for some business trip but I'm sure they'll be back in a few days!" Mrs.Lee gave a sympathetic smile to Yoongi when his face fell at the sudden news.

"Thank you, Mrs.Lee! I'll see you around." Yoongi faked a smiled and bowed respectively towards the elder. Yoongi pivoted on his heel and he headed straight to the evergreen hills of Daegu.

Yoongi made himself lost in the tall trees and fields of flowers. Yoongi sat underneath a huge, centuries old tree. He made himself comfortable and took out his mini keyboard and stared the enchanting, colourful petals surrounding the whole area.

He pressed random notes on the keyboard but he was distracted by figure twirling around the happy and vibrant sunflowers, lost in their own world.

Her silky straight bob swayed along her face, tickling her cheeks which made her pink tinted nose crunch. She smiled brightly, showing off her the blush on the apple of her cheeks. Her red and white dress twirled along her white unbuttoned sweater. Her fingertips touching the edges of the polychromatic petals. Yoongi could see her curled eyelashes when she closed her hazel orbs.

"Why do I always met you when I'm lost?" Yoongi whispered as he was still in a daze. Yoongi blinked his dark brown orbs twice when the figure stopped twirling and her strong gaze pierced through Yoongi's soul.

Flustered as he was caught red handed admiring the girl from afar. She took one step forward, indicating her presence would be next to Yoongi soon but she attention diverted as a male voice called her name.

"Kim Heiran!"

She looked back at Yoongi, quickly but calmly gestured her fingers. Her movements meant,"soon." but Yoongi didn't understand her symbols.

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