Chapter 14

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Author POV

What time is it? 3:33 AM, creepy. Ew, why am i laying next to this nugget? Ugh, i hate him so much. But he's so beautiful- WHAT, NO, BRAIN SHUT UP! He's stupid and he's trying to ruin Jungkook's life! I can't let that happen! I should make him pay for coming into my life, but how? Jeongguk thought.

Yah, who's there? Jungkook thought.

Wait, you can here me inside your brain? Jeongguk thought.

Who are you? And why are you inside of my head? Am i going insane? What the fuck is going on? Jungkook thought.

Jungkook-ah, relax. It's me, Jeongguk. I didn't know you could hear me think?

That's because i can't, i don't know what's going on or why but you need to leave my brain and i alone. 

Yah! Don't you remember all the times i helped you? When these guys bullied you? I was always there to make you feel better! I was there to protect you! I was the one who stood up for you in your own body! And now you're thanking me with telling me to leave you alone? Wow, just, wow.

Jeongguk, i didn't mean it like that! I just want to sleep. I don't want you to leave me alone, just for the night so i can sleep. Oh and heard what you said about Taehyung, please don't do anything to him? I love him.

More then me?! I was there for you since the start and you already love him?! You know him for like what? A few months? A year? You know me for YEARS!  Don't tell me what to do, i'm not doing it for me. I'm doing it for you! I do everything i do for you and you only! If i wanted to do something for myself i would've kicked Yoongi's ass because of the way he talks to me but i know that you love him so i don't! Now continue sleeping and i'm going to do this one thing for both of us.

Jeongguk, please, I'm begging you. Don't do anything to Taehyung, please? You don't understand how much i need him in my life, please just leave him alone? I'll do anything for you not to hurt him, anything!

Anything, huh? Then don't hang with him anymore, don't cuddle, don't go on dates, don't have lunch together, don't talk to him and don't even think about him. I can hear your thoughts ever since the start, i don't know how but you can hear mine too now. So if you ever do something that has to do with that Taelien boy i will find out and i WILL punish him for doing something with you. Oh and don't kiss him anymore, i can taste his lips and it's gross.

Fine, i'll leave him alone. Just please don't hurt him.

I won't if you don't do something stupid, Jungkook. I know you think I'm doing this to hurt you but i'm really doing it for your own safety. I'm part of you and i don't want anyone to hurt you.

I know Jeongguk, i know.

Okay, now go to your dorm room and continue sleeping there.

But i can't sleep when i'm alone, how will i sleep then?

Ugh, just stay with Taehyung for tonight ONLY! That is your goodbye to him. Wake up before he does and go to your room. And block his number, every time i don't respond to him he keeps spamming me and it's really annoying the crap out of me.


Good night Jungkook.

Good night Jeongguk.


Jungkook woke up at 6:30 AM and went to his room like Jeongguk told him to do. He didn't want to but he also didn't want Taehyung to get hurt because of him.

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