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I pulled in to a truck stop around two so we could eat and fuel up. We've almost made it through another state. The kids were getting restless so I planned on making it a short night of driving and finding a hotel with one of those water parks inside of it so they could let off some steam.

"Wake up you guys, time for lunch." I said pulling in front of the pump.

While they woke up and got themselves ready to get out of the car I pumped gas. Adding another vial to the tank.

"You go ahead and get us a table, I'm going to park the car." I told Mox.

"I have to pee." Wren said as she danced in place.

"Bathroom then table." I said laughing.

"Okay, T." Mox said stretching.

I watched them walk in as I parked the car. I checked my funds and made sure we was still good. One nice hotel with a little fun wouldn't set me back to far.

I headed for the bathrooms so I could freshen up and release my bladder from it's exploding feeling.

I found the kids in a booth by a window so we could see the car. They already had their menus open and Wren was coloring on hers.

Because she takes after her fairy side more she is basically a vegetarian so she loves salads and fruit. Mox on the other hand loves meat just like me.

"What you getting Wren?" I asked sitting next to her.

"They have a fruit bowl and a nice veggie salad. And I would love some honey tea." She said not looking up from her menu that she was coloring.

"And you Mox?" I asked.

"They have a truckers special with three meats, eggs and sausage gravy with a biscuit. And I'd like a orange juice." He said looking around at all the different people.

"I'm going with the travelers special. Three eggs, sausage links, bacon and ham with hash browns and a coffee." I said as a waiter walked up.

"Welcome, can I start off with your drinks first or are you ready to order it all?" He asked smiling at me.

"We're ready to order." I said smiling back.

"Okay, so who wants to start?" He asked looking around the table.

"I will, I will." Wren said jumping in her seat.

She gave him her order then I let Mox go next before relaying my order asking for extra toast.

Mox went off to look at the store they had and Wren followed. I picked up the paper that was on every table. Local news with ads to different places.

"Theo, ah how nice to see you?" A familiar voice said coming from a face on the second page of the paper.

"Mute." I said causing everyone around me not to hear what was going on in our booth. "Clark, what's up?" I said chuckling.

"I was wondering how things was going. Where are you now?" He asked.

"Elko I think. We've been in Nevada for a couple days now. The kids are starting to get restless." I said laughing.

"You must be close." He said with his all knowing voice. I honestly think Clark knows where our fathers have been the whole time. He might be a dick and not want mates or kids but at least he has balls enough to say it. And he still communicates with me even though he is presenting to be a very distant uncle.

"I hope so. I'm ready to get this over with and move on. But first I need to find a fun hotel for the kids." I said with a tired sigh.

"Yeah I figured that's what you wanted. A water park themed hotel with a gym for you and lots of things for the kids. I found one about an hour or so from where you are now. Should be in the right direction the car will take you. I booked a suite for you and ordered dinner so you'll have it when your ready. It's under your name. Everything is paid for, T. It's the least I can do for my nephews and niece." He said laughing.

"Well thank you, uncle Clark. You know I know you know where they are. But thanks for letting me do this my way." I said honestly.

"I can not interfere with this I can only make it more comfortable. These cards are yours to play how you see fit. I gave up my right to any of that. I'm not sad or mad about that. It was best for all of us. I'm not a stay in one place kind of man. And I'm the end it would have hurt everyone involved so I'll take the life I have chosen and make it what it is. But for all that it's worth I agree with you in needing answers. And I agree that Wren and Mox need answers." He said in a voice I wasn't familiar with one of sadness and tiredness.

"Who knows maybe our paths will all meet again and things will be different. Thanks for everything Clark." I said before he disappeared. "Unmute." I mumbled before the roar of people around me came back to our booth.

"T, I found a key chain with a fairy that looks like me." Wren said running back to the booth.

"Walk Wren, and we will look around before we leave. Uncle Clark has booked us in a hotel for the night. A surprise for you and Mox." I said smiling at her. As Mox joined us.

"Really?" They both said smiling. Clark has been good to all of us.

"Yeah, now here comes our food, let's eat and get back on the road." I said as our plates where sat down in front of us.

The food was amazing and the kids picked out a couple things that would keep them entertained during the drive. And before we knew it I was pulling into the hotel. It was huge compared to the little road side motels we'd been staying. Clark has went all out.

"A water park. Thanks Uncle Clark." Mox yelled.

"T, can we go swimming as soon as we get in there?" Wren asked.

"Maybe after we shower." I laughed.

Once I got us checked in and up to our room the kids went into hyperdrive to get ready for the water park area. The rushed me through my shower and before I could blink we was going down a slide into a huge pool.

I spent most of my time in the lazy river part of the park while the kids were all over. I could see them everywhere they went so it was a win win for me.

"I'm hungry, Mox whined floating up to me with Wren right behind him.

"Let's go back to the room. Clark has dinner on stand by for us. Then while you two watch tv I'm going to go to the gym and work out my tired muscles." I said returning the tube to it's place.

The kids were going to sleep good tonight and I'm praying to the Goddess above that this trip is almost over.

Dinner was excellent. I devoured my steak with mushrooms and onions and a baked potato, I also had strawberry cheesecake and another order of fried mushrooms and a chocolate milkshake. Wren had fruit and salad with a small fry and chicken tenders. Mox had the same thing I did and he got a cheeseburger and fries. It was like heaven on a plate with all that food.

Once we finished I pushed the room service cart to the hall, got a movie on for the kids and went to work off all that food.

We all fell asleep before we even hit the pillows.

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