Chapter 26

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A/n: Enjoy! Disclaimer: I do not own characters.

Y/n= your name

Italics= thoughts

I was nervous that was a given, and my ears flattened. I am not one for attention unless if it means I must protect. Kid let me down and I looked at the floor as we moved away from the crowd. I stuck close to Kid with my arms wrapped around his and I walked behind him so that if I was to be persecuted they would have to hit Kid as well and that would not be a good thing. I felt my tail fluffing up by itself due to my stress. We were out of the crowd by now and I felt something touch my fluffed up tail. I jumped and Kid stopped when I let go of his arm. I turned around to see a child touching my tail. I calmed down a little but then I still felt like the mother of this child would get mad at me so I didn't move I just let him touch my tail. I saw the mother in the distance running over and my tail fluffed up again due to stress and it tickled the little one's face making him laugh.

"Jason what are you doing I was so scared." The mother picked up Jason and waited for an answer.

"I am sorry mamma but her tail looked so fluffy I couldn't resist."-J

She looked at me and her face soften much to my surprise and my tail began to look normal again. She smiled at me and Kid allowing my nerves to relax. I smiled back at them and Jason gave me a compliment.

"You have such a cute smile."-J

"You know Jason you are very lucky that it was Y/n otherwise something terrible could ave happened to you."-Jason's mom

They walked off into the distance and before they got into the crowd Jason waved at me and I did the same but a little more dazed. I saw Kid leaning over my shoulder and talking in my ear.

"See there is no reason to be nervous anymore."-K

I stepped back because he scared me and ended up hitting his chest. I blushed in embarrassment and just turned around side stepping him so we could continue walking. As we walk my ears perked up and my tail wagged as more and more genuine smiles spread on people's faces as we passed them. I grabbed Kid's hand now, not because I was nervous, but because I felt like doing so. We now stood in front of Kid's home and walked in. As kid opened the door I was immediately tackled into a hug.



"Patty, I've missed you."

"What about us?"-L

I looked up from the hug from Patty and saw Liz there as well as Hikaru, Kaoru, Black Star, Soul, Tsubaki, and Maka. I was so happy to see them again my tail began to sway again. It was so long since I had seen most of them it almost felt like seeing family again and I suppose that that is how I saw them. After Patty let me go we all sat down and discussed whatever came in mind. One of the things that we discussed was the fight against Kenny and where I disappeared to before that.  Though the best news I heard out of all of that is that I could go back to Stein's class but apparently I would need to have the last hour of class with Lord Death, so that we could practice other things. I was extremely happy to hear of that news and couldn't wait for the next two days to pass.  It was very hard to keep myself calm for the rest of the day as we walked around outside for the first time without me having to wear a hat or coat. A lot of children actually wanted to touch my fur which I allowed almost immediately because it feels nice to be petted. I think that being petted for me gives of the same hormones as hugging would which is why. It was now the end of the day and me, Kid, Patty, and Liz were the only ones in Kid's mansion now. I was going to go to bed when something that Hikaru and Kaoru said got my brain thinking.

Hmm pranking someone doesn't sound half bad to me. Just who should it be? Should we try it on Black Star again or should I do Kid. I would but I kind of feel bad because Kid always ends up getting in the middle of our pranks. What if I tried to prank the twins myself. That would be fun, I should do it tomorrow. Make my Sundays a little more interesting.

I go straight to bed right after that cuddling a pillow until I fall asleep. I wake up and out of bed walking on all fours because I was in wolf form but by now I was actually use to it and just hoped that I wouldn't turn involuntarily tomorrow during school. I waltz straight into Kid's room not caring if he isn't there or dressed and when I didn't see him but heard him in the bathroom I quickly jumped on the bed. I was in an excited mood so I just curled myself into a ball on Kid's bed and every now and then I would perk my head up hoping he would come out of the bathroom. I began to close my eyes again when I heard a door open I quickly jumped off of the bed and went over to Kid my tail wagging as I rubbed against him. 


I transformed back and I was hugging him now instead with my eyes closed. I wrapped my tail around him not really hearing my name being called by him. I opened my eyes and look at his face to see him blushing all over his face.

"Good morning Kid." 

I kiss his cheek and finally let go of him. I walk out of the room allowing Kid to finally get dressed. I blushed finally when I was out of the room because that was when I finally realized why when I was hugging him he felt cold and wet. I shook my head and walked back into my room. I snapped my fingers when I saw all the fur laying around and it all quickly disappeared also changing my clothes for me.

"Ok now let's see where is my potion book?"

I search high and low for it only to find it on the top shelf and due to my shortness I had to go downstairs, grab a chair and then go back upstairs. When I grabbed the book I uttered a spell and all the science looking things I needed came out and placed themselves orderly where needed. I did everything said to do in the book and had to pluck some of my own fur because I didn't have any cat fur. When I finished the potions I held them both in my hand and uttered another spell that put everything away and cleaned things up.

Okay now let's see what these things can do. I hope not using cat fur will make a huge difference. How am I going to leave though without being noticed though. Oh well let's hope for the best. 

I now stood in front of the stairs and walked down not as carefully as I should have. I reached the bottom stair and thinking there was another one took a sudden step making me fall forward and of course Kid seeing my falling tries to help me since he was in front of me but instead he got a double potion instead of helping me really. I stood up worried as I saw the potion doing its magic.

"Oh Kid I am so sorry!"

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