Chapter 5

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A/n: Hello, reader! As I promised I am giving you chapter 5 BUT sad to say it will be a shorter than usual chapter BUT it will have some..moments one could say. Anyways thanks for reading and all credit goes to original owners of characters.

Y/n= Your Name 

L/n= Last name

E/c= eye color

H/l= hair length 

H/c= hair color

Italics= thoughts

I was giving Kid this weird look and he was daydreaming and mumbling some stuff about symmetry. I am not judging him but I am more of a clean freak than a symmetry kind of person like Kid. 

"Hey Kid you still on earth?" He was daydreaming to long I had to bring him back to reality. I leaned down towards his face (Remember he is sitting on your bed) and started waving my hand in front of his face. "Hellooooooo!"

~Kid's POV~ 

I was dreaming about symmetry and mentally crying to myself as to why I am not symmetrical when I was brought back to reality by Y/n being in front of my face very closely staring straight into my eyes. I was then looking into Y/n's sparkling e/c eyes and beautiful h/l h/c hair noticing something I didn't notice before.

~Your POV~ 

As I was staring into Kid's eyes I noticed that they were probably the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I mean hey it is not very common to find such golden orbs unless you were in a anime/manga. Suddenly out of no where Kid wen to reach for something behind me. Not knowing why I started freaking out and instantly pulled away from my trance. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and noticed, in a mirror, my cheeks were pink. I then see Kid and noticed his were a little pink as well. 

"W-well it is kind of late and so I think we should probably go to bed." I then started laughing nervously.

"O-oh yeah ok then. Good night then Y/n."


~Kid's POV~

There was something behind her coat I am sure of it as it was moving from side to side like a dog that was wagging its tail. You know what forget it I am probably just tired. It is past 11 so probably.

I went into my room got into my bed clothes and went to sleep forgetting whatever I saw. I then started having weird childhood dreams that felt like a memory and a smaller version of Y/n was there as well as two other strangers and my dad. When I was dreaming it felt all to real, like it was a memory that had been erased, that I could have sworn happened. 

~Your POV~

After he left I had a short thought to myself about what he could have been reaching for and so that I could be at ease I decided that it was a symmetry problem. I got into my wolf pj's and went to sleep dreaming about my parents when they were alive sadly. 


"Y/n, come over here I want you to meet someone."

"Okay Daddy." When I reached over to him I saw a wolf he had beautiful brown fur but what surprised me more was when it talked. 

"You are Y/n right it is nice to finally meet the heir." He said then gave a small bow wagging his tail a little bit.(Picture above of what he looks like)

"Wow Daddy look it can speak." My dad laugh and it began to talk again.

"I am Eren. I am a beta of the pack."

"Ooh tell me more" My 8 year old self was almost gleaming with excitement.

"Well," he sat down to get in a comfortable position as he spoke. "Well me and the pack I live with we aren't a very large pack but we are very strong we have some humans actually that came from our hometown that are very close to us." He paused for a moment I suppose to think. "Well my hometown  actually is very far from here it is on a different continent to be exact and when I was young I didn't know I was actually like this or at least I didn't know I can be like this. Until...something happened..." He gave me a concerned look as if he didn't want to tell what happened because it would traumatize me but he continued. "After a really long time we moved continents to be free we left with some human friends I made and others like me. We met your father one day and everyone became fast friends with him and soon enough-"

A/n: Mwahahahahahaha I am an evil potato. Well anyways hoped you enjoyed the chapter and after today the posting of chapters will be back on track to every Sunday again. Thanks for reading my story.

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