Chapter 23

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A/n: Good day readers, enjoy. Disclaimer: the characters are not mine. 

Y/n= your name

H/c= hair color

Italics= thoughts

I never really liked waking up from sleep but when you are waking up after getting hit in the head really hard, now that is a pain I only want to feel once in my life. Headaches are one thing but a migraine and pain in my back. Nonetheless I am still stuck in my wolf form which is not good depending on who my assaulter are. It was dark in the room when I opened my eyes so I was grateful for that. I tried getting up only to feel the intense pain in my head to increase, a few memories returned to me.

Ugh. This sucks, I want to go home to Kid he can help a lot right now. In fact how long have I been out? If it has been a while I wonder what is happening right now.

 There was a sudden whoosh as a curtain opened and light hit my eyes and I begin to topple over as the migraine intensified, blurring my vision. The curtain then closed and my migraine calmed down and I could begin to see better. I stood up and got into an attack position, growling as they put up their hands in a calm down manner.

"Calm down Y/n I don't want to be the one to hurt you." I didn't moved and stood still in that position my migraine began to subside as I focused on the person instead of the pain. They continued to speak though. "You haven't changed that much in your personality, but why can't you remember me?"

I lost my stance there and backed up unconsciously. I was confused at what they meant although it was perfectly clear what they meant. It got me thinking though, what if I did mess up the spell. They came over to me and petted me trying to relax my tensed up state. At first I was surprised by their touch and tensed up even more making my h/c fur stand up but it relaxed as the touch felt familiar to me. I went to speak but realized they wouldn't understand. I laid down on the ground letting my guard down in the process. I was scared when the door to the outside opened up very quickly and light shone into the room and I saw the faces in the room for once.

"Y/n! You are alive." He came in front of me and I saw his face, I looked at the person petting me and she stared at me as well. "How come you aren't changing back? We won't hurt you, it was not our intentions to someone just got scared when they saw you and attacked."

I opened my mouth only to have a bark come out instead of words, saying that I can't change. The guy understood in some way of what I said and surprised me when I saw the same wolf of one of my dreams in front of me.(Picture above). I remembered the name and said it to him.


"Y/n you do know me." He was euphoric and went in circles and then abruptly stopped and asked me questions. "Why couldn't you remember me before?"-E

"I removed my memories and I think in the process I forgot some other memories."

"Can you get them back?"-E

"I know how but at the same time I don't."

"Huh? Well in any case why can't you change back."-E


"Oh." He changed back immediately after that and I felt like I was missing something of some sorts but then he went back into his happy state and led me away from the other person. "Hanji, I am just going to show Y/n something."-E

"Okay, be careful."-H. He then rushed off and I went after him as I was curious to what it was he wanted to show me and because I know him the most here.

"Y/n where we are going is pretty far so I am going to need you to keep up." -E

He transforms and runs and I do the same always keeping him in view as we run through the forest into a rocky area. We slowly and carefully went up the rocks until we came to one where it was slanted upwards but it was still a rock we could stand on without slipping, and that is where we stopped.

"Y/n I took you here for a reason."-E

"What is it?"

"You know even though you are the only witch in the pack besides your mother I know something that you don't, or you don't remember."-E

"What is it?"

"I know how to get your memories back because your mom told me. Although I also have something else to tell about you and someone else."-E

"What is it?" I was becoming impatient, just speak Eren!

"You know you didn't fail in erasing your memories you just kept the ones you wanted, most of them were of Kenny but some were of us and not only that also a lot of childhood memories. Which means taking them back will be easy for you but also it means that what you took away could mentally hurt you if you wanted to forget all of those things."-E

"So you are saying I shouldn't return my memories?"


"How would it hurt me mentally?"

"Stress mostly but if you wanted to forget then the stress could be fatal to you, that is exactly why you erased your memories."-E

"Might I ask why you are telling me this?"

"Because I can't allow you to make any other irrational decision."-E

"I don't trust that."

"W-what do you mean?"-E

"I learned a lot from you Eren in this conversation, next time I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself."


"A kishin has a soul that is red and what I saw right then of your soul was a kishin and not only that but the Eren I knew from just a fraction of my memory of him was not you. He let others choose and listened to his higher ups of the pack and never influenced others into their decisions. The memories I just got a while ago proved that." 

I began to recite a spell to take this kishin to the place where all the kishins me and my parents had fought were but before that could happen this kishin ran, transforming back into his actually self shocking the most out of me and then a crucial memory came back to me. The way to enter a soul was simple and I don't know how I didn't think of it myself. I looked around trying to find the Kishin but he wasn't there any more. I cursed under my breath and ran back to the pack. No one was there only a small sign that there was even something there was gone. A blue substance was where they once stood.

"I need to remember!" I barked.

I went into a room and laid down. I closed my eyes and blackness was around me and the only soul I saw was mine. I had a warm feeling surround my soul and pain came immediately after. It was literally like ripping chains off you with only your bare hands. The pain and intensity of my body was filling as I continued.

Please work, please remember. Please!

There was a sudden feeling of release from chains and then I saw everything, I remembered every little detail of every little thing. Most of the things I saw were exactly what the kishin said but now that I didn't listen to him and saw my memories I realize he was just wanting to save his own skin. Not only that but I saw something else that explained a lot. Kenny erased my memory not myself.

A/n: Well that was exciting, sorry that there wasn't any Kid stuff in here but don't worry there is going to be plenty of him in the next few chapters. Thanks for reading, hoped you enjoyed it.

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