Chapter 21

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A/n: Hello readers I know that it is Wednesday but today is a special day so extra chapter. Now on to the chapter. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters but I own the plot.

Y/n= your name

Italics= thoughts

The next thing I knew I was waking up in my bed at Kid's house. I have no recollection of what happened while I was asleep not even what I dreamed of, the only thing I could remember of is that I am missing something and I need to get it back.

Think Y/n  try to remember something that I could be forgetting or why I would be forgetting  something. How frustrating I can be. Ugh!

I take a deep breath as my head began to hurt and decided I will think more of this later and not when I just woke up. I head out of the room and go downstairs to hear people talking quietly but they can't avoid my ears so I was able to hear the conversation going on.

"So what should we do tonight we need to have it all made up eventually."-M

"Hey can I wake Y/n up she has been sleeping long enough, and then she can decide for us what to do."-BS

"What, no let her sleep,"-H

"We don't know what has happened to her."-Ka

"Well I am going to anyways she needs to know what is happening anyways. Kid would probably be sad if she was not a part of it."-BS

"Black Star let her sleep who knows how much stress she has been through."-T

"Besides she has to wake up before noon. She is a light sleeper and any noise we make even if it is the quietest noise possible wakes her up."-L

"She has such fluffy ears."-P

I laughed silently at that and they continued to bicker on and off about waking me up but soon I became tired and curious of what I should know so I make my presence known to them. I walk up to Maka who's back was facing me and I tapped her shoulder. She turns around and looks at me and quickly pulls me into their little huddle.

"Oh Y/n you are up, finally."-L

"I have been up ever since you were bickering on whether or not to wake me up. Now what is it that I should know of?"

"It's Halloween."-Ka

"And it is also Kid's birthday."-H

"What is Halloween?"

"Some random holiday where you can dress up and get free candy, although I'm sorry to say but it is usually chocolate."-M. I pouted at that comment.

"So then now that she is here on with the plan. Y/n we need you to decide on one of two things."-L

"Okay what is it?"

"Do you want to go on a date with Kid or-"-BS

"I'll do it!" There was a short silence and I immediately blushed looking downwards at the floor.

"Ok well that is decided, now onto everything else."-S

"Wait a second where is Kid anyways?"

"I don't know he left a little while ago saying he won't be back until later."-L

"Oh ok." I sounded a little disappointed as I wanted to see him before I won't be able to for a while more as I know the twins are going to want to be my stylists and I was not wrong.

"So who is going to do Y/n's clothing and other stuff?"

"We got this."-H, & Ka

My arms were then wrapped around two others and as I was picked up and taken away to get prepared for this date I would be walking in blind to. They set me down into a rolling chair and began to go through my closet. I argued at them but then they completely switched out my wardrobe with other clothes that I questioned on how they got in here without me noticing. Then the next thing I knew a shirt and skirt was thrown at me as they left the room.

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