Chapter 15

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A/n: Disclaimer: characters are not mine.

Y/n=your name


  We were now ready to have our fun, all we had to do was wait. We went to lunch as it was now that time and me and the twins walked the halls with sly grins. We caught the eyes of fellow students making them back off which will help a lot with our plan. As the crowd deports more and we walk further on we spot Jeon and with a glow in our eyes look at him and say,

"Target... captured."-Me, Ka, and H

We separate ourselves from the group as we followed our meek prey. Jeon and his weapon, whom I found out to be named Angel, separated as they went to the bathroom. We now had our advantage and were going to use it.

"Here we put you in charge.."-H

"While we check to see if anyone is in there."-Ka


They left and quickly came back with a sly grin worrying me for a second but I quickly shrugged it off. We stood in between the door ways to the boy and girl's bathrooms and the twins explained to me what to do.

"So this potion."-Ka

"Is a splash potion."-H

"So when he comes I should toss it on the floor?"

"Exactly."-H and Ka

Not wanting to fail my task I put everything on high alert so the slightest movement of the door would trigger me to move. Then the door moved and I hit the bottle on the floor making the sound of glass breaking, making me close my eyes. I then heard uncontrollable laughter from the twins and I opened my eyes to see myself staring at me.


"Hahaha; Hikaru helps, it hurts."-Ka

"I can't stop, Kaoru."-H

".. Oh- I got pranked didn't I?"

"My voice.. oh no. No no no no no no!"- thought

"Oh my god! Kid I am so sorry, please forgive me~!"

The twins we uncontrollably laughing more and Kid seemed to take a moment to respond.

"It's ok Y/n. I'm a bit shook though."-K

"Ahh! You two, when!?"

"When you weren't looking-"-H

"We added a few more ingredients."-Ka

"You should be thanking us."-H and Ka


"You can be in your lovers shoes."-H and Ka

A blush came to my face and Kid's and I looked at myself wanting Kid to say something first since the twins left laughing hysterically. In the end I had to speak first much to my dismay.

"Hey Kid please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad but why can I hear things so vividly, like I can hear Hikaru and Kaoru still laughing."-K

"Because you have my ears now and don't forget you have my tail as well."

We started to walk towards a more secluded area just to adapt. Much did not pass between us and we were quietly heading back when Kid started taking off the trench coat. I saw it and just before he walked back into the eyes of public I pick myself up making sure Kid would listen I trap him (my body) on the wall. I don't know half the reason why I did that though, I mean I could have just held onto my body's wrist, how confusing. Even though I could have done something completely different I still ended up doing that and we both ended up blushing but I spoke.

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