Chapter 19

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A/n: Disclaimer: characters are

not mine.

Y/n=your name


As I looked at the kishin, whom looked at me with envy, I begin to remember all of them and how we met. It hit me like a bat that I got a bit dizzy, but I was able to keep my stance. There was a moment of quiet stillness as I looked at my enemies going into it for complete 360. I don't know who made this first move but after they did everyone else followed. I had taken off my hat and coat back in that room back in the death room so I could hear the sound at max, I was able to hear the closest movements. They had hit me at all angles in anyway they could and it started to become hard to keep up with mu natural strength. I had some small wounds and one good slash in the back of my calves. It hurt a lot to move those legs but I continued on ignoring the pain for now. I was stubborn, yes, but I didn't want to beat them I wanted to show Lord Death where I needed improvement it was difficult to move it just as I was but the then it be worse as a guy with spikes hit my leg, arms, and barely missed my spine Hurt a lot to move those legs but I continued on ignoring the pain for now. It hurt a lot, no kidding idiot of course he did. Blood came out of my mouth as the spikes didn't leave my body. I was becoming weak and the kishin waited to grab my soul but I still held on hold by holding onto Hikaru and Kaoru. I whispered inaudible words in the kishin shrugged, but it was immediately replaced with shocked faces of my arms come clean of the spikes. I slowly took out my leg and where it hit me on my back I stood unsteadily but with plenty of determination and confidence. The guys with spikes tried to hit me again but the spikes just broke and instant contact and I smiled. I took a firm grasp on Hikaru and Kaoru and began to kill the kishin who began to run away. Already had 25 kishin souls floating around when I started to feel weird and suddenly sad when attacking the 26th kishin. Then I saw my nose but it wasn't a human nose it was my snout or wolf nose. Then I quickly said the spell to get back and me and the twins who were still in my hands jumped out and it close behind me. As I fell on the floor, Hikaru and Kaoru escaped my grasp as I didn't have a hands but paws.

"Y/n is everything alright?"-LD

I was about to speak but then realizing I couldn't speak normally, I would sound like a dog barking, so I just shook my head in signaling "no". I tried to stand up, but my wounds made me fall back down so I slowly healed each of my wounds.

"Do you know what is wrong?"-LD

I was having a hard time trying to explain as I was using all my energy healing myself. When I was done with healing myself I mediately lay down as I was drained.

"Can you transform back?"-H

I shook my head no and I began to wonder what was wrong with me. I begin to think but the Lord Death decided to complain about my performance.

"You gave your poor future-father-in-law a heart attack. I thought you were going to die from your stubbornness. I was tempted to go in there and save you."-LD

He reminded me of my dad so much that I smiled and Kaoru noticed and said something bad about me and I immediately shook my head no.

"Y/n is laughing at your worriness."-Ka

"Such a bad future-daughter-in-law."-H

"How cruel can you be Y/n?"-LD

I was so desperate to speak my mind that I began to go to new measures and write on the floor using my paw saying, "No, you remind me of my actual dad."

"Oh, Y/n has an actual dad?"-H, Ka

"Hey don't hurt Y/n's feelings. She is so kind."-LD

Then I remembered something I close my eyes trying to grasp every piece of information I can get. Then I remembered why I'm like this and how to make it stop. I, although, begin to question why I forgot that vital information from my parents but at the time being I needed to get back to normal. As I open my eyes I felt new energy filling me as I Brand if we became excited surprising this three. Using the energy I translated my barks to words so they could listen to in.

"Ahem, is it working?"

"Oh the dog speaks?"-H, Ka

"That's wolf to you, thank you very much."

"Aa, Y/n can you tell us what's wrong?"-LD

"Of course, I remember what's wrong and how to fix it."

"Ok great, how do we do it?"-Ka

"Are you sure you know? You said you just remembered it."-H

"Yes I'm sure, so I'm sure you know what imprinting is."

They nod their heads.

"Well because me and Kid have kissed I had imprinted on him. He technically became my owner and if I am away from him for more than 5 hours I transform and I am stuck like this until I can see him again. I am like a dog that is on the run from its owner and wants their owner back."

"Wow a dog's life is harsh."-H, Ka


"So we just need Kid well I can easily bring him over. Oh I knew I wouldn't be disappointed having you as my student."-LD

"I'm not sure how to take that."

My spell then ran out as I become drained of that energy again from that spell I lie down taking up the most of the floor, Lord Death uses his mirror and calls for his son as I sit there. When he was able to get through and have Kid able to come Hikaru and Kaoru began to speak.

"So are imprinting's permanent?"-H, Ka

Without using words I was able to explain to them that only if the person I've been imprinted on was dead then it's permanent. They smiled and told Lord Death who became really happy and petted mean which I obliged to as I always like pets but mostly from only from Kid. A few moments later Kid came, alone, and at first there was this awkward silence when he saw his dad petting me but then I quickly stood up with random energy as I saw Kid, a smile on my face, and I ushered them to leave. Hikaru and Kaoru left no problem it was just Lord Death that was the problem but he eventually went. For enough down the entrance hallway that when he left I immediately stared at Kid and my tail wagged.

"What happened? It happened this morning as well."-K

I came closer to Kid and he sat down and I placed my head on his lap, and then he turned away and blushed but soon began to pet my irresistible fur. My tail wag vigorously and my happiness reached above normal. He was just irresistible to me that I just wanted to be with him forever. I want to stare at him during class and create my own daydreams of us once again. I want to sit next to him during lunch. I was desperate and wanted him to stay forever. Then I am going to really change back to normal and I didn't notice until Kid said something.

"Hey Y/n could you explain to me whats wrong now, you are back to normal."-K

I sit up my head leaving his lap and I sit right next to him. I then explain what I told the other three and he was a bit flustered and embarrassed but other than that he quickly excepted it and held me closely. I heard some quiet shuffling of feet towards us and I muttered something under my breath and an invisible wall popped up and I heard groans of those three.

"Hey Kid how is everything?"

"How are people taking in some facts?"

"Some don't have an opinion but many are saying their relieved of your disappearance from school."-K

"What are they saying about the other thing?"

"Oh well..."-K

"Please tell me."

I gave him my puppy eyes and he immediately blushed but gave in.

"It really depends."-K

Death the kid X readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin