Chapter 26: The Fell Winter (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Dwalin sighed, "I heard from some Firebeards that this had happened before, and a lot of those poor Hobbits died during that time...cold, starvation. But they also told me that they had shown some great amount of bravery during their darkest hours, though I do not know whether to believe it myself. They seem to be too gentle and dainty to have that kind of courage." Thorin did not respond to his comment, though he was affected by what he had learned. A flame of determination sparked within him; he could not let any of those Hobbits die, particularly Belladonna and her husband, they were innocent after all.

The snow surprisingly gave way to give everyone a clear view of the snow-ridden Shire. Snow piled on the hills in which the Hobbits made their home, some doors were blocked by the snow and there was no sign of plant or leaf to be seen. The snow also covered the homes so much that one could not recognize one from the other; they all appeared to be snowy mounds with round brass doorknobs that stuck out of the snow. The Shire is completely empty, as everyone was inside, which gave an eerie, silent emptiness and lack of spirit that was unheard of in such a happy place. Without being told to, Fili and Kili sprang to their boots and began to grab as many provisions as they could carry so they could start distributing. Of course, no one could receive anything until the doors of the homes were uncovered. Luckily, this had been expected; some blacksmiths and miners had given up old shovels that they no longer needed as their portion of charity. Thorin ordered his soldiers to take up the shovels and begin to clear the snow as far as they could. A Hobbit emerged from a home near the sleigh just as Thorin went to grab a shovel. The poor fellow shivered, despite wearing layers of coats and blankets, "Hello, sir. If you all are looking to pass through here, I regret to inform you that there is no clear path through here."

Thorin grew a polite smile, "We are here to help, sir."

The Hobbit perked up, his eyes widening, "Oh! You must be Gandalf the Grey!"

Thorin frowned at the name, it was odd and unfamiliar to him, "I beg your pardon?"

"He wrote to us, saying that he and a few others would come with food!"

Dwalin approached them, taking Thorin's side, snapping quite harshly, "Do you not know who you speak to? This is King Thorin of the Blue Mountains, son of Thráin, son of Thrór!" Thorin glanced at him in scorn, as his cousin had frightened the poor Hobbit so much that he shrank back further, "Thank you, Dwalin," he muttered, before stepping in front of his rude cousin and addressing the Hobbit politely as before, "No I am not who you were expecting, though I am sure he will arrive shortly. My people have offered you provisions; I am acquainted with one of your villagers, my nephews moreso." The Hobbit's fear washed away, "We are so grateful for your help, King Thorin! It is in good timing that you have come, Mr. Gandalf has not shown up for days and I am beginning to doubt his timing!"

"Is he known for being late?" Thorin asked, as the soldiers began to dig up snow and toss it over the homes. Fili and Kili went to the homes that were able to reach and gave the inhabitants their portions of food, most of the Hobbits recognized the brothers.

"Yes! Even though he makes some excuse about arriving just at the time he ought to be!" The Hobbit complained, then changed the subject, "Who is the one you are acquainted with? A Took? A Baggins? A Sackville-Baggins? Goodenough?" He continued to spew out numerous and odd names until Thorin finally cut him off, "Belladonna is her name, though I do not remember her family name," he said.

"Oh, you mean Belladonna Took! She lives at the top of the hill, at the Bag End manor!"

The two looked up to the hill, which was at the other side of the village and looked just as blocked by the snow as the other homes. Thorin took up a shovel and ordered his men to dig faster, "No one will rest until every home is cleared!"

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