The Library

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Alyssa read her world history textbook confused and frustrated.Eventually, she shut the book angrily, she was instantly shushed, and went to find a book of her own choice.

She wandered down the fiction isle and picked up an Artemis Fowl book.She began skimming through it and brought it back to her seat.

Tripp walked out of the rain and into the school's library.He sighed and found a nearby table and began to study.After 30-minutes, he got bored and began to look around the library.His eyes fell on Alyssa.Her long brown har fell past her shoulder and her bright green shirt stood out from the library's normally dark colors.She held a book near her fave and earbuds disappeared under her light hair.He nearly fell out of his seat when she glanced up.Tripp blushed and tried to hide it behind his math homework, half-hoping she didn't see him blush.

Alyssa glanced up from her book and saw Tripp across the room.His facewas covered by the math textbook he was using.Only the top of his head was showing.She blushed and went back to her book.

'Tripp is here?!Why?Well...It is the school's library...He's cute when he studies,'She smiled to herself.

'Why is Alyssa here?Well...yeah, it is the school's library.She's so cute when she smiles like that,'He peeked over the textbook and caught her small smile.Tripp grinned to himself and continued to do his math homework.

Eventually, it was time for Alyssa to go.Reluctantly, she picked up her bag and books and made it out.Tripp sadly watched her leave.He began to pack up his things and slowly trailed after her.

He checked out his books and left.Unknowingly, Wolfie was watching them from the librarians seat and grinned as Tripp caught up to Alyssa and they began talking.


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