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(I didn't want to post this note here, but that stupid word limit on conversation board compelled me to post this on my book)

So this year is ending, we are in the last month of this year even though it feels as if it was yesterday when I celebrated 2018's new year. It terrifies me sometimes that how time just flies away and the next thing you know that white hair is dangling from the head. Lol! But I'm not writing this to talk about that, I actually am here to say my goodbyes. Sorry that I couldn't complete all of your requests but in the past few weeks I couldn't even spare the time to open Wattpad.
It has been a hell of a time with you guys, all the laughs and writing about video game characters was great. And I couldn't be anymore happier than I was with my two years of stay here, I consider myself the luckiest girl to be able to write for you people and receiving such positive words on the books that I thought would be lost in the internet. I'm still surprised that even after my horrible grammar and lack in good ideas for those stories at times, you people still liked what I did and for that I cannot thank you enough for, I consider myself to be blessed to be in the company of people like you.
And I'm surprised that I had to deal with hate/harsh opinions very rarely, something that I expected to be the total opposite.

But I digress, I will soon be going to college and improve more on my studies, at that time I don't think I will be writing anything anymore. I'll be more focused on making a future for myself in this world and sadly writing won't be taking a place in it.
Anyway, I'm horrible in writing goodbye notes (or any notes in general haha) if there are any questions please feel free to ask as I will be active on Wattpad for one more week before I log out from the app. I won't delete my account as my works will be deleted with it, so I'll just keep it in a deserted, abandoned mode lmao. It was a blast and I will never forget you people, you guys are and always will be awesome, even though I was never able to talk with anyone on here (thanks to my usual absence from internet altogether) I still consider all of my readers, followers and some acquaintances I met here to be my best friends. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, you guys and my time here on Wattpad was the best chapter of my life. Lots of love ❤️

Of Fond Memories (WoW Oneshots) [Requests Closed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora