(King Rastakhan) Trust Issues

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Requested by: Snap-Blossom
Being a king might be luxurious, but it appeared with its own unique set of dangers. And moreover if one was a God-king then the matters are even worse. Almost everyone wanted to kill an immortal king. The Zandalari King always has to be extremely cautious and look over his shoulders. Humorously he often finds a dagger or wittily placed poisoned weapons hiding in a camouflage, waiting to kill him. But when he had his great skills in combat and a group of most loyal soldiers to protect him, he had nothing to worry about.
One afternoon when the king Rastakhan was in his royal dining hall, surrounded by armed soldiers, there was such a shameless attempt on his life. While the food was served, his wife had insisted to bring him his food. Now, if it was like the usual, then his personal food tasters would taste the meal first to check if it was poisoned. But as it was being brought by the queen, it would be improper and disrespectful to do so.
But understanding that threat can arrive from any corner, the king had a crafty plan. As his better half brought him his food with the most innocent of glances and sweetest of smiles, the king offered her to sit beside him. Not thinking too much about it, she agreed and did so.
"Ah (y/n) how sweet of ya to cook and bring dis food for me" Rastakhan grinned "it be good to see you showing care and love for me" he sarcastically said
"Nonsense, I can always do this much for you if given the chance" she smiled sweetly
"Yes yes, aww but you already be looking pale and thin just by working dis little" he looked at her with surprise, though she wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic like usual
"What? No, I'm alright" she slightly furrowed her brows
"Ah may de gods give everyone a wife like ya, so selfless and loving" he looked like he was overflowing with gratitude "since you be looking so sickly, how about you take a bite first eh? I'll be more than happy to share my food" the king smiled and picked up a morsel from his plate, bringing it closer to her lips.
A shadow of nervousness darkened her once joyful eyes, she chuckled and gently pushed his hand away "how can I eat before my dear husband? You eat first my king" she chuckled
"You can, 'cause your dear husband be sayin ye to do so" Rastakhan grinned "eat, you be looking very weak".
The king kept offering her the food but she kept putting up excuses and refused to eat, the king sighed "I guess I need ta get it tasted by someone else if you be that hesitant" he looked at his food tasters and called them. Telling them to taste it for him.
So they did, for a few moments it all seemed normal. (Y/n) looked at them with confusion before she looked like she was about to break into tears. Until their breath appeared to be stuck in their throat and they struggled to breathe. The healers rushed to their rescue and was successful in rejuvenating them.

The king raised a brow and looked at (y/n) "well? You be explaining what happened?" just as those words escaped from him, (y/n) felt the entire hall glaring at her.
"I don't know what just happened! But I'm absolutely disgusted, I would never try to poison you!" she shouted before covering her face in her hands and storming out from the hall, crying.
The guards looked at the king Rastakhan, as he raised his hand "no, don't follow her, I be doing de talking" he commanded and smiled to himself. Seemed like he had more than just a little plan for her.
However, after a few hours when the day turned into late evening, Rastakhan didn't see (y/n) around the castle even once. Curious, he had gone to his bed chamber carrying a tray of food for her. As he pushed the door open, Rastakhan found her weeping near the window.
"Hello" he greeted, hints of laughter in his voice.
(Y/n) turned around to find the king walking towards her. "I cannot believe you arrived here to talk with me" she muttered "after that event"
Rastakhan laughed and gently stroked her cheek "aww look at ya" he muttered "crying and becoming all worried for me, I still be saying dat you be looking weak and dat you need ta eat. So I brought you dis" he grinned and picked a piece of food from the table and neared it to her lips.
(Y/n) looked hesitant again and to her answer Rastakhan smiled "don't worry, dis time it ain't poisoned" he mockingly laughed. The woman glared at him before looking away, the king shrugged and put the food back on the plate. "Fine don't eat" he muttered
"My king, I had nothing to do with the events of afternoon" she shortly replied, looking at him innocently "I cooked it with love and brought it to you, someone else must've poisoned it while I was away!" she said.
The king Rastakhan chuckled "don't worry queen, I don't be minding dat" he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his wide chest "I already forgot about it, smile and be happy" he giggled.
(Y/n) smiled and embraced him back "I knew it that you would understand, I love you so much" she giggled happily.
Suddenly she felt a tight grip on her wrist, she looked at him with surprise. But she wasn't surprised because he held her wrist suddenly, she was surprised because Rastakhan had evaded another attempt of assassination from her.
The king looked at her hand that clutched a barbed dagger "ooh look" he laughed "I undastand dat dis be someone else too?" The happy expressions died, replaced with a cold glare.
(Y/n) glared and released her hand from his grip "this isn't over Rastakhan" she hissed and disappeared in the shadows. The king laughed "it isn't dear (y/n), it isn't" a smug smile curled his lips....

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