(Malygos) Shattered

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Requested by: THCRESA
Art by ammatice from Deviantart
Shards of arcane decorated the walls like thorns of ice in the frozen caves of Northrend. Only, these weren't as crude and spontaneous as those ice. The shards had taken the form in the most orderly and beautiful fashion, as if ordered by the Aspect of Magic himself.
And right here, in his domain had they first brought their affections for each other to light. It was a much happier time back then. And so was the moment, beautiful.
The Aspect, Malygos was friendlier, tender-hearted and a caring guardian.
But all he lacked was a love, someone who would turn a patient guardian like him impatient. And he had even found her. She knew it was never possible for them to be eternally together... and she regretted of not telling this to Malygos.
And now, she stood with the Kirin Tor... planning to march upon his realm, intending to put an end to him once and for all.

The mages and emissaries argued and conversed around her, but she didn't seem to hear any of it. All of their words blocked out by those memories, the promises and the pain of their parting.
"Our love will grow as ancient as the ley lines of our world. As true as its course and as eternal as the flow of magic" her eyes began to grow blurry as tears filled in them, those words of his would never fade from her mind and the feelings she felt upon hearing them, would never grow faint in her heart.

It was an enchanting evening in the eternal winter of Coldarra. The shards formed by mana were glowing under the fleeting rays of sun.
Malygos had been wandering the crystalline building alone, his form was of an elf with ashen blue hair and similarly colored eyes holding a gentle glow to it. The Aspect generally doesn't like to get out from his lair, as a solitary being he found the outside world to be turbulent and worrisome, something that made him uninterested. And neither did he quite enjoy walking around as non draconic being, but today was an exception. Malygos watched the peeking sun from the clouds, he had expected to see someone here but knowing that she was a lonely being too, he knew that she would be shy and avoidant of Coldarra altogether even if he uttered the word of a meeting with him. For a long time had Malygos seen this female dragon flying around and over this building, sometimes she would land nearby and look for something... or someone. If she ever saw him, she would warmly greet him before departing. That dragon was shy and reluctant around Malygos but refused to show it by hiding behind an excuse of a busy one, as if she never had time for anything.
And seeing her act so shyly was something endearing to the Aspect.

Malygos suddenly saw a flying being in the clouds above, heading towards the ground where the Aspect stood. Changing her form almost mid air, she gracefully landed on her feet and walked towards Malygos.
"It's a pleasant surprise seeing you here, Lord of..." she cleared her throat, noticing the slight frown of cringe from the Blue Aspect "erm... Malygos" she corrected herself.
"It's good to see you too (y/n), I wasn't expecting to see you here too" he looked at her, smiling afterwards
"Ah ha" she nodded, confused that her almost regular presence here was never noticed by the Aspect "I'm usually around here, the smell of winter and the beauty of these crystals are simply unbelievable" she chuckled.
Following her gaze, Malygos glanced at the snowy beauty around him before turning them back to her "well, I wanted to converse with you... I rarely ever exit my lair but I know from my dragons that you visit here and you always seem like you are searching for something?" he asked.
(Y/n) blinked her eyes a couple of times before she looked at the ground, fiddling with her hands. It seemed she was at a loss of words, in truth she visits here in the hopes of meeting the Blue Aspect Malygos but always returns disheartened when she doesn't find him.
"Searching? Who do I have to look for?" she laughed it off as if a joke.
Malygos raised a brow and lifted her gaze by her chin " 'who?' I don't think I specifically meant a person" he watched her confused gaze look away from him as she blushed.
"I-I... t-think it's my time to leave..." she nervously smiled and turned away from Malygos, cursing herself in her mind that how could she let her nervousness get the best of her?. The Aspect was surprised but he was quick to action, he followed her steps quickly and held her wrist. Preventing her from leaving Coldarra eternally.
(Y/n) felt his soft touch close around her wrist, she gulped and mustered the courage to meet his gaze. Malygos, gazed into her eyes and gently smiled "you could have mentioned that you had arrived here to meet with me, I would never be hurt or angered to hear that" his laughter was reassuring.
(Y/n) quickly smiled back "I didn't... there were other reasons for my arrival..." she timidly muttered.
"I'm always listening" he tried to soothe her apprehension.
"Well... in that case..." she sighed and within a few steps she was close to the Aspect, she smiled sweetly before kissing him. Malygos was surprised at first, he froze and stared at her before realizing he too had the same place in his heart for her that she had for him.

(Y/n) looked up when she noticed that she was being addressed by a Kirin Tor mage, she gazed around nervously, trying to bring herself back to reality.
"Is everything alright?" the mage asked
"It is... I need to take a moment's pause... I won't be long" she smiled momentarily and stood up, without waiting for their response she left the Violet Citadel.

"The world is crumbling... it is all their fault... their refusal, their denial... THEY RUINED EVERYTHING!"
The cries echoed in the strange dimension, startling her as she entered. It sounded like Malygos at times but even she couldn't be certain of it.
A strange mantid being had its back turned to her, looking at her as she entered the realm.
"There is no hope... leave" it demanded, still sounding like Malygos.
(Y/n)'s eyes began to glisten, her eyes refused to look upon him but somewhere that little voice in her mind begged her to walk towards him. With every step she took near the mantid being, it began to growl and berate her to leave. The woman was standing close to the creature, looking at him with pity and grief while it kept shouting at her, refusing to even meet her gaze by now.
(Y/n) reached up to it, gently lifting its gaze towards her. The mantid didn't move for a while before it suddenly turned around and attempted to fly away.
The woman quickly held its wrist, slowly seeing it change from its strange and horrifying scales into the azure haired elf whom she fell in love with.
Malygos stood unmoving, refusing to look back to her, his azure tresses covering his face.
(Y/n) walked in front of him, looking up at him. Malygos had his eyes closed, he attempted to step back from her when she walked close.
"It would be best if you would leave..." he muttered
"It won't..." she answered
"My insanity will hurt you... I don't want to hurt you" his voice grew heavy, he couldn't even look at her anymore.
(y/n) huffed as she broke into tears, cradling her arms him as she wept bitterly on his chest. Tears slid down from his blue eyes as he longingly embraced her, allowing each other an embrace of what seemed like a final moment of their love story...

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