(Sally Whitemane) Scarlet Heart Part-2

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Art by Zach Fischer from Tumblr
No longer the priestess felt pestered when (y/n) would talk with her. In fact, she awaited eagerly for the conversations. A few years had passed as the paladin and the priestess rose through their ranks. And their mostly distant disposition towards each other had changed to a very friendly one.
One evening, the priestess Whitemane was standing in the same training area. Only, she didn't attack the deteriorating dummies, she watched them getting attacked by (y/n). Who hadn't seen the priestess yet.
Putting aside the heavy hammer with one hand, he turned around to find Sally standing near the doors that lead to the grounds. Smiling a tired smile at her, he sat down on the grassy ground, head down and hugging his knees.
The priestess Whitemane thought something to herself for a moment before she walked towards him, sitting beside him.
The paladin looked up and slightly laughed
"Why are you laughing?" Sally was surprised
"Nothing, just reminded me of the day when I first joined, so eager to talk and get to know everyone" he answered, his voice sounded rather weak from fatigue
"What reminded you of that?" the priestess laughed to lighten the mood
"Well just like the novice recruit me, you walked up so happy and eager for a conversation... doesn't really seem like you" he teased
"I guess I should leave then" she huffed and attempted to stand up but stopped when she felt a grip around her wrist
"I'm just fooling around, don't go" he muttered "tell me, what's in your mind?" he raised a brow.
The priestess Whitemane felt her face fluster a little before she started
"Remember the day when I was so reluctant and unwilling to talk with you?" Sally felt the corners of her lips twitch, she found it rather humorous now of the ways she attempted to avoid any friendly interactions
"Yes" (y/n) rolled his eyes "the commander asked for you" he quoted "and I even fell for that obvious lie" he sighed in disbelief.
The priestess laughed loudly "you did! And how adorably you even arrived to me the next day and said that, aww I'm sorry" she giggled and unintentionally she pinched his cheek as if he was an adorable little thing.
They both shared a confused glance with each other before the priestess slightly gasped when she realized before she left him alone.
Sally cleared her throat "well... that was a bit awkward" she nervously giggled
(y/n) smirked at her words "was it?" he muttered coyly.
The priestess smiled slightly and looked away, she was flustered by his tone.
"I just remembered, it's Hallow's End today!" Sally suddenly said "there will be quite a few undead to slay" a strange happiness lit up in her eyes.
"I'm sure there will be" (y/n) nodded "but that's what we do the entire year, why not just rest today and celebrate this occasion with sweet treats?" he asked, killing undead wasn't really an enjoyable activity for him. The elf even questioned sometimes that how could the priestess Sally like it so much.
"Nonsense!" Whitemane quickly said "we aren't children now are we? No, we are the champions of Light and the Light demands these walking abominations vanquished" she proudly stated.
This is something that (y/n) didn't quite like about her, she was almost fanatical in her quest to vanquish the undead. But understanding that it would rather cold of him to just refuse to accompany her, he nodded.
"Very well, if that's how we spend the Hallow's End then so be it" he shrugged, his expressions were apathetic.
The priestess looked so happy with that answer that she stood up on her knees and grabbed (y/n)'s shoulders, startling him.
"I'll meet you by the monastery in a while!" she giggled in joy and briefly hugged him before running away happily.
(Y/n) sat confused by what just happened before he sighed "what am I going to do about her" he mumbled in disappointment.

The dark, coagulated blood of the undead stained Whitemane's golden weapon, her crimson garb and her skin. But there was no stopping her, if not for the fast winds and the cries of the undead, her maniacal laughter would fill the surroundings.
The rage of her spells burnt the blighted ground, the bones and threatened to burn this entire settlement down. The strength which she used to strike the dead was ruthless, vengeful and barbaric. The priestess no longer looked like an avatar of gentleness of the Light, she looked only insane.
(Y/n) almost did not have to do any battling, most of his opponents were killed or lured away by the Scarlet priestess then slaughtered coldly by her. Even the dead should deserve a ray of mercy, he thought, but she had none to spare.
The paladin stood and watched in horror as the one who called herself 'Champion of Light' kill mercilessly. Soon this settlement was nothing but a graveyard of the dead, the winds shrieked like banshees and with it brought a cold embrace. (Y/n) no longer desired to believe this was the friendly and funny woman he was talking with at the monastery as he stared at the endless corpses that littered the ground.
The elf turned his gaze when he felt a pair of arms surround his right arm. The priestess Whitemane placed her head gently on his shoulder, smiling contently. (Y/n) felt as if the priestess was in a drunken haze.
"I cannot thank you enough for helping me clear out these abominations, this is just beautiful!" Sally giggled happily, in the faint light of the fires that burned in the small buildings he saw the emptiness in her eyes.
(Y/n) just sighed, he couldn't say anything for he was more afraid of her now than disgusted. The priestess Whitemane looked up with a bit of curiosity in her gaze, he reluctantly returned her gaze. Sally chuckled "speechless? I knew it" she grinned and lowered her gaze to his lips
"I'm so happy right now... that... I just love you (y/n)" she whispered, tilting her head a little.
The paladin didn't know what to say, he gulped and tried to step back from her. But he couldn't when he felt the leathery touch of her gloved hand trace his jawline before it held him behind his head. The priestess gently pulled him into her kiss. The high elf stood shocked, that was unexpected and he didn't know what to feel anymore, he wondered if she truly even meant these affections or the happiness induced by the slaughter caused it.
After a few moments, she looked up at him with lidded eyes, seeing no reaction from him, she stepped back and smiled.
"Let's go back to the monastery, the night is growing cold by every minute" she softly muttered.

"I hope everyone is ready..." a quiet but slightly hoarse voice startled him out from his musings. The paladin looked up to find the group of adventurers waiting for him to answer Lilian Voss. (Y/n) nodded quickly, his eyes stared at the glowing Blades of Anointed. Even though he steeled his heart for this very moment, he knew it would never be easy for him to see her die. But it was needed.
The undead woman pushed the door open that lead to the quarters of the priestess Whitemane. Everyone had hurried into the room, except for the high elf.
The paladin closed his eyes, all the memories with the priestess rushed through his mind. Before he slowly pushed the door open, ready to face the reality that lies ahead.

They were nothing but weaklings, the priestess thought. Taking pleasure to burn their rotten skin with her holy spells, she felt like she did the Light's truest justice and killed the undead warrior accompanying Lilian eagerly and without remorse.
Until her very holy powers were reflected by a divine shield, furious, she looked at the caster. Only have all her anger vanish as soon as she saw who it was.
"(Y/n)?...!" Sally muttered, her heart ached as if it was stabbed with a searing blade. The priestess did not expect to see him here at all, let alone fight against her.
The high elf was about to say something but Lilian saw the distracted priestess and leapt towards her with the artifact blades. A cold glare was shared between them before the undead woman stepped back, the Blades were stabbed into the Scarlet priestess's heart.
"Fool..." the priestess smiled and attempted to resurrect herself. The golden orb glowed as bright as the sun in her palm but failed to restore life into her, the spell shattered like glass before its last holy remnants faded.
Whitemane fell on her knees, her silvery tresses covering the expressions of agony on her face.
As she was about fall on her chest, she felt someone hold her shoulders, preventing her from falling.
Sally looked up with tear stained eyes, it was the only dearest she held to her heart after she lost everyone.
"(Y/n)..." she weakly smiled "why?" she coughed, her crimson lips slowly dripping with blood "I... loved you... so much" she muttered
"I'm sorry... there was nothing I could do" he answered, gently holding her chin and kissing her lips one last time.
The priestess smiled and held his hand, entangling her fingers with his tightly. Before they slowly loosened as life ebbed away from her body...

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