(Varok Saurfang) Together

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Requested by: Elite_Phoeni
Art by Anastasiya Darenskaya from Artstation
The cold winds of Northrend cuts even the strongest to the bones, even the most winter rugged armor crafted by master smiths or the warmest of spells cast by the most powerful of wizards fail to protect one from this death like chill. But nothing mattered to the greatest of the warrior, no, he would weather countless Northrends like this if it meant to retrieve the body of his son. Who was a valiant warrior who faced an honorable death at the horrible Wrathgate, he deserved a warrior's burial but instead he was robbed of that and raised by the Lich King to serve his vile cause in undeath.
What could pain a proud father that his child has left the world before him? And to make things worse, knowing that he didn't truly lay dead. It summoned a grief so painful that it turned to hatred and anger.
And among all of these troubled matters, (y/n) decided to follow Varok into these frozen wastes. Standing alone by herself at the edge of the Gunship, shedding tears and sometimes weeping quietly, the colder than land temperature caused those tears to form into fine powders of ice, making the cold even more painful to bear. She grieved their fallen son as well, but instead of staying back at home, she too with vengeance had followed Saurfang here in Northrend.
"There is still time (y/n) return home, there is no need for you to do this" Varok said quietly, standing beside her
"He is my son as well! If I have to run to hell and back then I'll do it" she shouted, glaring at him, eyes welling up in tears
"I can bring him back home and together we can bury him" the orc replied with an unusually calm demeanor
"I'm sorry Varok, I don't think you can convince me to turn around and go back home" she was stubborn
"Damn it woman!" Saurfang had lost his patience, as he grabbed (y/n)'s shoulders and glared into her eyes "I lost my dear child to these Scourge and I don't intend to lose you! You are the only one that I have after everything is gone" he shouted "don't you understand?" His voice grew gentler, he looked at her apologetically when he realized that he had startled her.
There was no reply from (y/n), she looked at him with fear in her eyes. Saurfang sighed and took a few steps back from her, turning away from her gaze
"My intentions were not to hurt you, I was agitated by my emotions and fear... I'm sorry" he muttered, taking a deep breath
"Tears..." she muttered, causing Varok to look at her. (y/n) slowly walked towards him, keeping her hand gently on his cheek and wiping the tears that he tried to hide "you cannot hide anything from me... then why do you try?" Her voice had grown husky from weeping
"I'm... as broken as you are now... I don't know what to do anymore" Saurfang said, his voice broke from emotions as he couldn't talk anymore, tears began to roll down his cheeks
"I know... Varok, I know" she muttered and gently touched her forehead with his
"We will bring our child back, together" she looked into his eyes with grief
Saurfang held her hand that was resting on his cheek and gently kissed it "Together..." he whispered....

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