(Tyrande) Moonpetal Lily

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Requested by: Cybertron343
A great war is about to break amongst the night elves. Amongst their own people. The only reason that made them different was the name "Highborne". It was folly to fight amongst ones' own people and blood, it was folly to fight against your own then to fight against the common enemy, but until the world learns of this there will be endless strife led by the lust for power, greed and selfishness. It was something that the priestess Tyrande had learned and followed since the time she was but a young woman.
Everyone knew that this war was useless, and would've been prevented if not for the greed of their queen. Now the enemies are knocking on their gates, summoned by their queen and there was little they could do but to combat them. Tyrande watched countless kaldorei armed and ready for combat, every morning she sees proud soldiers parading towards war and by night, either none returns or the gravely wounded and defeated do.
The Priestess Tyrande knew that she would lead her own soldiers into the fight very soon, and not only she feared the day but looked and prayed for every possible ways to avoid that horrible day.
The priestess offered her prayers to Elune before she gazed at the moon, as if for the final time before she exited the temple. Much to Tyrande's surprise, she saw a bouquet of her favorite moonpetal lilies waiting for her just outside the temple. The priestess inspected the flowers for a few moments before she found the note stuck on the stems of the flowers, she took it in her hands and read the note;
For the moonlight in whose radiance these lilies bloom.
Tyrande giggled as she read that, no doubt it was (y/n), the handwriting and the praises couldn't be mistaken. It was just like the days when she was but a novice priestess, by training day and night, she would find herself tired and saddened often. But how short lived that grief would be whenever she found bouquets of her favorite flowers left by (y/n). It wasn't allowed to leave the temple and travel somewhere far, so she would secretly leave at middle of the night and meet him.
Tyrande would always find him by the side of the same lake, looking at the water, his long (h/c) hair motioning in the light breeze and his gentle smile whenever he would find her looking at him. His presence would calm her down even if she was suffering from the burden of an entire world, just a few words, no matter how simple it was, always appeared as music to her. As she would talk with him, she would often tell him to explain something that she knew already and watch him talk. The small smiles of his, the way he looked into her eyes would always mesmerize Tyrande as she lost herself in his voice. (Y/n) would always bring her back from her trance, when asked what she was thinking, she would simply say "Something happens when I look into your eyes... I feel like I could lose myself in them... and never fear or care about returning". They would converse with each other until the birds would start singing at first dawn, then she would dearly embrace him or share a sweet kiss before departing, eager to meet him the next night.

The priestess looked around, did he leave it here? Where was he? Tyrande knew where she would find him.
And so she did travel to the lake where they would always meet, brushing away the shrubs that covered the lake from view. And there he was, standing there like always, watching the glimmering water, his long hair moving in the air majestically and somehow knowing that the priestess was watching him, he turned his head and looked at her, smiling sweetly when he found her.
"You left these flowers for me... I knew that I would find you here" she said as she stood beside him, reaching for his hand and enclosing her fingers around it
"The flowers were looking for their moonlight, I simply delivered them to her" (y/n) replied, slightly chuckling
"You will never change (y/n)" she blushed and laughed shyly
"It will be a rather difficult day tomorrow... but as long as I have you" he reached for the priestess "I have nothing to worry about" he intently gazed into her eyes
"As do I" she felt droplets of tears welling up in her eyes "I have nothing to fear as long as your presence soothes me" she sighed and slowly closed the gap between them, gently kissing him. May Elune's light shine upon a love so pure....

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