(Khadgar) Symphony Of Arcane And Fel

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Requested by: Il-cielo-tradito
After months of arduous fighting, of having hopes cling to a thread and then finally defeating the world soul of Argus. The heroes' unbreakable will to save their dear Azeroth has halted the Legion. And for such a feat accomplished, a grand celebration is being held in Dalaran. The host of it this celebration was the Archmage Khadgar.
All were invited, from the shadow striding rogues, to the valorous warriors of Odyn. Except for the fel wielding warlocks of Dreadscar Rift. Well, of course they were invited but none of them had any interests in benevolent parties, where they call sugar water "wine" and giggle away like little girls at the simplest of jests, as most of the warlocks say.
As most of the warlocks laughed at the invitation, there was one of them, however, who accepted the invitation with utmost politeness and agreed to appear to the party. All of her peers either rolled their eyes on her or laughed at her and some even called her names.
With a cold glare and silence, she ignored them. Besides, she didn't wanted to be in this Rift when it becomes a lair of "less than polite" deeds by the evening with the warlocks' version of celebration.
It was the Archmage who actually saw (y/n)'s true potential as a summoner, even though Khadgar and (y/n)'s grounds of magic were opposites of each other. The Archmage was kind and accepting of her assistance in this war of Legion. Most of the warlocks were less caring about the war, only helping when they saw that these Legion's demons were not the ones to be controlled. But (y/n), no matter what the enemy offered, she stood by her allies' side, always offering whatever help she could.

However, the warlock had arrived at the Krasus's Landing in Dalaran. Even the entrance to the city was decorated with mana thistles, starlight roses, aethrils and so many other flowers. It was a welcoming sight, as she walked into the city, the streets were crowded with finely dressed people. Some were talking and laughing, some were walking to the Violet Citadel where the main party was while others just stood around and admired the beautiful city that looked flawless with the decorations. (Y/n) smiled to herself and sighed, it was so happy and beautiful here, she felt like the war had never occurred in the first place. The woman walked towards the citadel, admiring her surroundings but she was taken by surprise when she heard screaming.
"I'm drowning! I cannot swim!" a young woman's voice shouted from a nearby pool, (y/n) looked at the pool, seeing that the drowning woman's friends were just laughing.
The warlock rushed to the pool and immediately summoned her magic to help the drowning girl breath under water. Which allowed the girl to calm down as (y/n) helped her out of the water.
"Is that a warlock? I thought you that you said you didn't like "soft parties" what happened now?" One of her friends asked
"All of those warlocks don't speak for me, I'm still very capable of making my own decisions" (y/n) replied coldly
"It's alright if you want to join a party but just don't summon the Legion again will you? I'd hate to have Dalaran teleported over somewhere else" she laughed before summoning the reins of her fiery hawk, almost burning (y/n) by the flames of the animal.
(Y/n) was startled and took a few steps back from it
"Oh fire hurts you? Sorry I didn't know that" she chuckled before racing away from her. But before she could do so, all of a sudden, she found her mount to be frozen in ice. It just appeared out of thin air, the woman cursed angrily before she stomped off, leaving the once fiery hawk now frozen behind.
The warlock sensed familiar presence of arcane from the ice spell, she looked around for the caster but no one else was here. She shrugged and looked at the woman who she had just saved
"Are you alright?" (Y/n) gently asked.
The woman hesitated for a few moments before nodding and running away from the warlock.
It pained (y/n)'s heart to see that how terribly misunderstood she was, just a few wrongs can foreshadow and pale so many rights.

(Y/n) entered the citadel, it looked so different, almost like a castle with a grand ballroom instead of an arcane research area. There were mostly mages walking around, and a few rogues glaring from the shadows. At the center of attention was the Archmage Khadgar, watching the party with his calm demeanor and a slight smile. A few female mages were around him, talking eagerly and some were even flirtatious, to their answer he just laughed or calmly changed the subject.
(Y/n) walked towards the Archmage, just watching him bought a smile on her lips.
"Ah you have arrived" Khadgar saw the warlock nearing him, he looked cheerful as if he was getting bored
"It is good to see you" she replied, courteously bowing.
The women surrounding the Archmage turned around to look at the new arrival, greeting her with fear or other questionable expressions
"If you'll excuse me" The Archmage said to them before he turned his entire attention to (y/n) "are you liking this celebration so far? I decorated the entrance with some of your favorite flowers" Khadgar smiled
"I've just arrived here" she chuckled "but, yes, the ball looks beautiful" she glanced at the surroundings before looking back at the Archmage
"So, the ice spell?" she hinted something and mischievously smiled
"I'm not sure what you are suggesting..." the Archmage acted as if he knew nothing
"Don't play coy" she nudged at him, the Archmage laughed
"Alright it was me, I casted that spell... but she was bothering you, and I couldn't just watch that" he said
"I thank you for that but wasn't it cruel to freeze a harmless hawk like that?" she asked
"It did try to harm you" Khadgar replied. They both laughed and stood quietly for a moment before the Archmage suggested "It'd be shame to not dance at such a ball, right?" Khadgar slightly winked when (y/n) appeared to look puzzled
"Shall we?" He stretched out his hand to her, the warlock nervously smiled before placing her hand onto his.
A strange surge of power comforted (y/n) as soon as she did so, a strange calming presence in his eyes had set her once troubled mind at peace. While this surge of power had caused the Archmage's heart to beat faster, but only momentarily when the subtle presence of fel in her presence summoned a strange peace and strength in the Archmage's heart.
Their opposite magical forces may contradict each other, but sometimes they create a beautiful symphony and within it a strange harmony....

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