15. Late Night Adventures

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A/N: switching POV's somewhere halfway down the chapter, but I believe you'll figure out when that happens, just a heads up ;)

Midnight. Sam and Dean were both fast asleep. Or so it seemed. They lied in the foreign queen sized beds of the dirty motel, a sheet draped over their bodies. Their breath was even and slow, and the only sound in the room. Cars driving over the highway could be heard from outside. Kendall was the only one awake, she had been all night. She lied on the ground now, not wanting to lie next to any of the boys after the fight. Especially not next to Dean.

Thoughts wouldn't stop running through her mind. But that wasn't anything new, almost every night was like this. It just was this dumb fight that she couldn't get out of her head. She wanted to forgive Dean and stop being so sensitive. But on the other hand, his unfiltered words did hurt her. She had known the Winchesters for a while now, longer than she intended to. And she's grown quite fond of both of them without noticing it. She couldn't decide if that was a good thing, or a bad thing.

Eventually, she grew sick of over thinking all of it, and decided to go out for a walk in the dark chilly air. She was aware she was supposed to be scared of the dark and stay out of it as much as she could, but the night intrigued her. So she got up from the ground and stretched her back, her spine cracking. The ground is just as comfortable as it sounds.

Her clothes consisted of a pair of sweatpants and a sweater, so all she did was pull on some socks and shoes, grabbed her gun for security reasons and she was good to go. As quietly as Kendall could, she opened  the door and stepped into the cold air, then closed it. What she didn't know was that Dean was only sleeping with half an eye closed, and had heard her stepping through the door. His head shot up and his eyes scanned the room for the girl, but she was gone, obviously. Without thinking about it twice, he got up, pulled on his shoes and went after Kendall.

He quietly closed the door behind him after stepping outside. In the distance, he could see her silhouette, framed by the light fog and he started the chase, keeping his distance so she wouldn't notice. She walked ahead of him, keeping a fast but steady pace. He followed her over the pavements and street crossings, debating whether he would say something to let her know he's there, to ask where the hell she's going. But he decided against it, and kept following her.

He noticed she wasn't headed downtown, but towards the lake. Why the hell would she go there? She knows about the missing children. Something could happen to her as well. Dean didn't want to think about that. 

At one point, Kendall turned left, into the trees, on a path that lead to Utah Lake. Dean lost her for a moment, but as soon as he turned to the left he could see her again, still walking. He had to be careful not to make any sounds now, try to not step on any twigs or ruffle any bushes. He did, however. A twig snapped under his right feet and he immediately got out of sight, just as Kendall turned around to see if anyone was there. When she didn't see anyone behind her, she shook off the suspicion and continued down the path. Dean emerged from between the trees and continued following.

Kendall had now reached the lake and was standing still, looking out over the water. Dean stayed on the edge of the trees and the sand and just watched her back. She stood there for five minutes, just staring at her surroundings, when Dean decided to step a bit closer. Wrong move. 

Kendall swiftly turned around, pointing a gun at Dean and loaded it while turning.

"Why'd you follow me?" She asked, her voice cutting through the eerie silence of the night.

"Why'd you leave the motel in the middle of the night?" He countered. Kendall stood still for a moment, still pointing the gun at the Winchester, then shrugged and lowered the gun, putting it on the safety again.

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