14. Harmful Mischief

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Ariel was sitting on a rock, quietly observing everything around her. This time, she wasn't wearing her normal office clothes: a long white dress flowed down her celestial body. A soft breeze ruffled her brown hair a bit and a hint of a smile appeared on her face. She liked nature when it was quiet, everything seemed serene and the balance felt restored. On the other hand, when nature was awake and all the animals were calling for each other, and everything was full of life, she loved nature.

The wind picked up a bit and the angel heard a familiar sound right next to her. It was one of her brothers.

"What is it, Castiel," She asked with a soft smooth voice, though it sounded more like a statement. Her light smile never left her lips.

"I'm worried about Kendall," He answered with his deep voice, looking out at the trees in front of him like his sister. "The storm is edging closer with the day and she is far from ready. She's only practiced once and in her Berserker form she is still too small."

"Time is needed to fully be ready, Castiel. You know that," Ariel said.

"But time is of the essence, Ariel," Castiel answered impatiently. The angel of nature sighed, her brother's foul mood affecting her.

"Have you told her about the bonding yet?" She asked, changing the subject. 

"No," answered Castiel. "I haven't."

"Fine. Then I will go talk to her soon. I'll tell her everything she needs to know," Ariel gave in. The angels then stayed quiet, letting the silence continue once again. Ariel liked being in Castiel's presence. He was one of the few righteous angels, one of the not corrupted.

"Do you think she's ready?" Cas asked softly, almost in a whisper. Ari breathed in deeply.

"I hope so."


~ Sam ~

We arrived at the site expecting it to be empty. How we were wrong. The area was crowded with policemen and when I stepped out of the car I could see a body lying in a black body bag. The body of a child. We were too late.

"Did you bring your badges?" I asked after stepping out of the car. We were watching the scene in front of us for a moment. I reached inside my jacket and grabbed the fake FBI badge I always carried around. Dean and Kendall both nodded. It surprised me how both of them just set aside their problems and acted all professional. Of course it was necessary, but I was just worried. I've seen them looking at each other, and there is definitely something there. Dean's just a stubborn ass most of the time and doesn't filter his words and tends to say stupid things.

"Let's go," Kendall said with a sigh, shaking me out of my thoughts. The three of us started walking towards the yellow tape surrounding the beach. A police officer saw us approaching and stepped forward, blocking our path and holding out his hands.

"Woah woah," He said, stopping us. We all showed our badges and he pulled his eyebrows up. "What's with the feds?" He muttered more to himself than to us.

"We were in the neighborhood," I just said and the officer nodded before shifting his eyes over to Kendall, looking her up and down.

"Aren't you a bit young for a federal agent?" The man asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Awfully kind of you to say that," she answered and walked further as the officer held up the yellow ribbon for us to walk underneath. I tried not to laugh as I passed him.

"Who's the victim?" I heard Dean ask as we approached the body.

"Zoey Renner, eight years old. She was the first to go missing," The officer told us, and took off his hat at the sight of the young deceased. "Such a shame, I know her parents. She was a real sweet kid."

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