10. Missing Piece

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So it turned out it was some waiter who worked there at the bar who was hoaxing all those women. And you wanna know how he did it? How he got them all to kill their boyfriends/husbands/sons or whatevers? He'd either spit in their drinks or make sure to kiss them. After all, he shifted to the perfect guy for all of them to lure them in. All he needed to do was exchange saliva and his plan was secure.

So we tracked him down before he could trick another woman and killed him. One brass dagger covered with the blood of one of his victims to his heart did the job. Right after that we burned the body and went straight back to Bobby's, since it was only an hour drive from here. We arrived around 1 AM in the morning.

"I don't know about you guys but I am exhausted," I say as I shut my car door the same time the rest of the guys step out.

"Yeah I hear ya," Bobby mutters while Sam and Dean hum in agreement. I get the rest of our stuff out of the trunk and head inside, making sure to lock every door of my baby. Bobby tells us goodnight and walks upstairs without waiting for a reply, even though we do yell it after him. He's probably got a lot to process after these last few days. Dean also decides to get some shut eye and follows Bobby up the stairs, leaving me and Sam down here. I look at him.

"You going to bed too or would you like a beer?" I ask with a smile. He nods and smiles back.

"I think I'll have that beer," He says and then sighs. Ever since we met I know we haven't really talked to each other alone, and I think he thinks of me as some arrogant chick with anger issues. And hey, he's not wrong. I'd just like to get to know him a little bit better, is all. Maybe there's more to him than the eye meets. I'm pretty sure of it.

As Sam sits down on the couch I walk over to the fridge and get us two drinks and open them, before sitting down next to him with my legs tucked under my body. Might as well get comfy. I hand him one and we clink the bottles together.

"Cheers," I mutter and take a sip. I sneak a glance at the youngest Winchester who is staring at the bottle in his hands. I hadn't noticed before but he had dark bags under his eyes.

"Are you like, okay, Sam?" I ask him softly with a worried frown. He looks up and meets my eyes, realizing I've been eyeing him.

"Yeah I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?" He shrugs. I roll my eyes.

"Who are you trying to convince, me or you?" I ask as I nudge his shoulder. He chuckles.

"I don't know. I've just had some rough nights," He breathes out as he pulls a hand through his brown locks.

"Nightmares?" I question and he nods.

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask reluctantly. "I know a shoulder to lean on every now and then can be nice. To let it all out sometimes." He looks from me to his hands clasping the bottle, contemplating the idea. It's hard opening up to someone, trust me, I know. But I want him to know I'm here, and I try to understand. Sam is older than me, but he has this vibe hanging over him that makes you want to protect him. Like a little brother. Or an older brother. Not sure which one is the most accurate.

"Look, I understand if you don't want to tell me. But at least tell your brother then," I say, laying my hand on his shoulder.

"They're about.. the cage," He says, fidgeting with his hands. "Ever since the wall in my head broke down I've been dreaming about my time down there. And it's like the torture all over again. Lucifer, Michael, all of it. And that's not all." He paused. "I have demon blood in me, you know. And I can't shake off the feeling that there's something inhuman inside of me. In all honesty, it scares me.

"It's not really like I could go to Dean with this. He's already not happy with the whole demon thing, so talking about it is kinda.. off limits," He finishes, still looking down. The demon blood thing surprised me. I genuinely never knew about that.

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