Chapter 15: Might be going a bit CrAzy

Start from the beginning

     Gripping my scythe, I let out a battle cry as I gathered all the little to almost no strength that I had in my body. I focused my attention on the closest arrow to my scythe and directed all the wind dust I had in Raging Falce to it. Ward follows my line of sight and then snaps his gaze to my vibrating scythe before finally realizing my plan. Unfortunately for him, he reaches for my scythe a second too late and the energy released from it sends him flying to the wall. Not only that, but the arrow shatters into tiny pieces and scatters around the place to embed itself to the walls.

     I huff at the amount of energy that took from me and shakily stand, leaning up against my scythe for support. I let myself breathe and rest for a second before opening my eyes to eye my weapon. I knew the risk of using all that wind dust at once; the type of energy that my scythe wasn't made to handle. There was a splitting crack on the handle, alarmingly too close to the blade. One more strong attack and my scythe would be destroyed. What it needed was rest and fixing up, but Ward was getting back up again. I didn't have a choice so I lifted my fragile scythe and fixed my attention to Ward.

     Spinning Raging Falce for the last time, I took my stance to start using the fire dust - all of it. Instead of many small fireballs or one normal fireball, I created a large one, a size bigger than the scythe - and that was saying something because the scythe was much bigger than me. Ward wearily eyed the blazing ball and took out three arrows to pull them against his bow, lighting them up further than before, making ends of the arrows have a flare like an extended tail. You know what they say, all or nothing. I finally stop spinning Raging Falce and shift my position. With a shout, I push my scythe forward to almost touch the ball, causing the weapon to drive a force that sends the gigantic sphere of scorching fire to spiral towards Ward as he releases his deathly gleaming arrows that seem to slice through air and propel faster each second until-

     They collide with an explosion that nearly blinds me and sends me crashing to the wall. The effects seem to stay longer than just a minute and pulses through the room, creating almost a nuclear affect and slamming me with a force so great it virtually smashes my brain and causes an imbalance in my body.

     I black out and when I come to, my sight isn't clear and I'm aching all over—actually if I focus I can't feel my legs at all. What I can feel however is the sticky wet blood around me and under my head. I have enough consciousness to know its mine and I try to lift my hand to cradle my head, but the most I can do is wiggle my fingers. I hear a grunt and turn my head slightly to see Ward against a large crater on the wall (similar to the one on the wall beside me) with his bow transformed back into his double swords, crossed in front of him, showing that he used it to protect himself from the blast. His arms were bloody and cut up, but it seemed that his arms were the only ones to take the damage that his swords couldn't block, so the rest of him appeared alright.

     Ward's eyes caught mine and he stared for a moment before getting up with the support of his swords. He crashed on the wall behind him as soon as he was on his feet, but he held himself up on the wall, preventing him from going back down. His eyes shifted to mine again and I could see the weariness in them and I knew his body also felt the force of the blast. But I also knew he was in a much better condition than me because he had his swords to protect him while my scythe was useless because it broke completely the second I sent that ball of fire towards Ward.

     A few minutes had passed with nothing but our ragged breaths and the distant sound of Faye's fight filling the silence before Ward pushed off from the wall and staggered towards me in slow, hard steps. He had one sword in hand, the other left on the ground behind him as he finally reached me. My mouth parted to say something, but my throat only provided strained grunts. Unable to make coherent words, I huff and look at Ward with regard. Raising his sword to finish the job, the tip presses on my chest, causing me to close my eyes and hold my breath in preparation.

     Confusion fills my head when the pressure of the blade remains on my chest, not going further. My eyes squint open in question when I see the look of utter conflict on Wards face. He looks like he's in a battle with himself and I can't help mutter his name in worry, "Ward...?" It seems to snap him out of it and I feel the pressure leave from my chest just as quickly as it comes back. His nose flares in anger and when he speaks, it actually sounds like Ward and not the echo-y voice I heard during our fight, "Nico, I-" But then the echo-y voice comes back with fever, "Stop fighting it!" And I've literally never been so confused in my life—and it's supposed to be the end of it and this funny situation arises, and I don't know when that sword will finally do more than just apply pressure to my chest.

     At this point, I don't even think it's weird that a giggle leaves my lips when I'm two seconds away from death (that has been a bit extended really, because why has the sword not gotten further yet?). Confused and conflicted eyes find mine and I shake my head, "I don't know what's happening anymore, like I can't believe I'm wondering why I'm not dead yet when, well I'm supposed to be dead by now but—you know, I'm just confused and somehow I feel more concerned for your sanity because what the hell is going through that head of yours?"

     I feel out of breath by the time I'm done speaking because, shit—that took all the energy gathered from the time I woke up to the really long time that the tip of this sword has been on my chest. Ward seems to stare at me with the most perplexed face I've seen on him and then he laughs, like, straight on laughs. Yup, we've officially gone crazy. Weren't we fighting each other to death just a few minutes ago, I swear.

     He speaks again with the echo-y voice, "Looks to me like you should be more worried about your sanity. I'm about to kill you and instead of being scared, you say all that bullshit?" I snort and while I'm currently unable to say it out loud, my answer to him would be that it's hard not to when he's taking fricken' eternity to move the sword a couple inches forward. "Huh," Ward mumbles thoughtfully, "Maybe that's what he sees in you. Your insanity." My confusion spikes and I painfully raise my eyebrows, all though it feels like Thor's hammer is resting on top of them. Who the heck is he talking about again?

     He takes his sword surprisingly away from me and sheaths it, crouching beside me after picking up his other one, "I've never felt this at ease during a battle... never actually laughed before. You're quite amazing. Perhaps I can convince Kazu to let me keep you." Never laughed? Kazu? Keep me? "I hope you know I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, Ward," I mutter weakly. A smile forms on his face and he touches him mouth in surprise, "You made me smile..?" I look at him in confusion before closing my eyes in weariness, letting myself slip away from reality, unsure if I'll wake up again. Really depends on what's going on with Ward.

     "You are something, Nico Maize."

So the title of this chapter might not only relate to Nico, but to me as well. 


Anyway, Faye's fight was supposed to be in this chapter too but my creativeness has definitely been blocked because no matter how much I try, I can't write a good fight between Faye and the Dragon King. Like, I've got the ending of Faye's fight down and I have a clean end for the arc too BUT.. each time I write Faye's fight and read it over IT IS CRAP. So I will keep trying, but..

Anyone have any ideas on how to get my creativeness working again so that the next chapter I publish isn't complete shit? Thx.

Published: March 13th, 2019

2351 words

~ Lyragirl11

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