Emily was pulled out of her thoughts and looked at him. "So, you want to go to Derek's loft to check on him?" She asked him, glancing at Malia who was listening to the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm worried." He voiced his concern.

The vampire and Sheriff stood up, she turned towards the werecoyote. "Can you stay here just in case he and Kira show up?" When she got a nod from the Hale girl, the three left the game.




"Need some help?"

The pair of men looked up to see Eli standing there, eyeing the man currently being held against the wall with a metal pole. "What are you doing here?" Parrish stared at the man warily, knowing what he was from Lydia.

Eli walked over to them. "I was following the hunter over here." He said nonchalantly, ignoring the look he got from the man. "I had a feeling you would be following your sister and I just wanted to be here just in case you didn't have the heart to put a bullet in her that I would be here as backup."

Chris sighed tiredly. "I see."

The deputy looked at the vampire. "Can you get him out there?"

The pureblood looked at the hunter as he grabbed the metal. "I need you to not die on me okay? I'm going to pull this out and give you my blood as soon as I pull it and I need you to not die, alright." He explained. "I really don't want to be in charge of training another baby vamp." It was never much fun when it came to showing a newly turned vampire the ropes of vampirism.

"I'll try." He breathed and groaned in agony when the pureblood ripped the pole out with ease. The Argent could barely keep his eyes open as the vampire bit into his wrist before feeding him his blood.

Eli blinked in surprise when the man suddenly passed out in his arms. "Is he okay?!" The other human panicked over the hunter.

The pureblood exhaled, slowly laying the man on the ground. "He'll be okay. I can still hear his heart beating and the blood slowly healing his wound."

"So he'll be okay?" Parrish looked concerned over the older man who lost his entire family.

"Yeah, he'll be good as new as soon as he wakes up." The vampire assured the young deputy who still fretted over the hunter. "Any idea on who did this?"

There was a scowl on the deputies face. "Peter Hale."

Eli hummed and pulled out his phone and sent a message to Emily to tell her about what Peter did to the hunter.




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