Chapter 49:

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The tension between all of them of them was unnerving

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The tension between all of them of them was unnerving. Stiles couldn't stop glancing between his girlfriend and Malia, the two of them ignoring each other. The werecoyote was still angry at them all for keeping Peter being her father a secret but she seemed especially angry at Emily. Neither of them breaking the silence between them. The two were so hardheaded that he had to keep from sighing from the glances the two gave each other.

It had been a few days since they visited Meredith who had taken her life and Scott had tried to comfort Lydia through the loss. He really wanted to roll his eyes at what was obviously going on between the two but knew that it was better if he kept his mouth shut. Especially since Scott was with Kira and he really didn't want to make their group even more awkward.

The only bright side was that Lydia had managed to crack the other list but the downside had been that she had used Derek's name to unlock it. He had yet to tell Emily that Derek was going to die.

"You're going to have to talk to us eventually." Kira told Malia, with a small smile. "We're still your friends."

"Friends don't lie to each other." Malia gave her a side glance before turning facing away from the kitsune who frowned at her actions.

Emily pursed her lips and glanced at Stiles. "Why do I have to be here?" She questioned him, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not really keen on going back to college again."

"You went to college?" Scott asked in disbelief and her boyfriend also looked curious.

She smirked. "It was more going to frat parties then the actual school. You know, it's easier to get a meal when everyone is drinking and partying in the dark with loud music playing." She said idly.

"Well either way, you're taking the test." Stiles said, placing his hands on her shoulders to guide her towards the classroom where they were going to take their tests. "It's all part of the high school experience, remember?"

She sighed. "Yeah, yeah."

They walked in, handing over their phones and getting pressing their thumbs into the ink and onto the paper. Emily sat in the desk beside Stiles, stifling a chuckle when the instructor told them not to look through the test booklet until they were told to do so. Stiles quickly closed it shut, feigning innocence.

Once they were told to start, Emily took her time filling in the circles, not reading the questions at all and did her best to ignore the reek of anxiety that filled the room. While Stiles took his time reading his questions and was trying to not overthink the answers. He glanced at his girlfriend who had the most serene expression on her face as she randomly filled in the answers and held back on scolding her for not even trying.

Malia chewed nervously on the end of her pencil, worried she might get these questions wrong. Scott read each question carefully but made sure that answered as many questions as he could before the time was up. Kira on the other hand was breezing through each question, not at all noticing that her vision was failing her.

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