Chapter 14:

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Chapter 14:

The air in the room was palpable.

Dark brown and hazel eyes clashed, both standing on either side of the vast room. The older of the two stared in utter amusement especially when they caught sight of the sword and the drops of blood on her face.

"I see you took care of the vampires I turned." He mused, having heard the sounds of grunts outside before she walked in.

Emily's eyes hardened, a frown on her lips. "They were in the way." She tilted her head slightly.

"Oh, well." He shrugged, not caring that his vampires were killed. "By the way, you don't need to worry about your little friends interrupting. They're currently being occupied."

She stared at him blankly, concentrating on her hearing as she heard fighting outside and glared at him. She threw the first punch which he quickly dodged and she tried to stab him with the weapon.

He grabbed her wrist tightly, causing her to let go of the sword as she quickly used her other hand to punch him in the face.

The two went back and forth, trading fists.

He threw her against the wall before grabbing her throat, squeezing tightly as he chuckled. "You really didn't think that you would be able to win, did you?" He exhaled heavily, her own breathing heavy. "Come on, Emilya. I'm much older than you. You never stood a chance."

"Never say never." She choked, reaching up and slamming her fist towards his throat causing him to immediately recoil back in pain as he grabbed his throat as he coughed.

She used this as an advantage as she pulled a needle out of her pocket and slammed it into his chest, right above his heart.

He growled angrily as he ripped it out of his chest. "What was that?" He demanded, his eyes furious, staring at the empty syringe needle.

Emily's chest raised heavily, the smell of sweat and blood lingering in the air as she gave him a smug look. "Werewolf venom." She told him as he threw it away in disgust.

He let out scoff, taking off his jacket that had rips in it. "You actually think that a little bit of werewolf venom is going to affect me?" He retorted, picking up a pipe off the floor. "Emilya, I've been around a long time. It's not going to slow me down one bit."

He told her before charging at her with the pipe and she blocked it with another one she found lying about. She said nothing at his words and clenched her jaw tightly as she fought.

She refused to back down. She made a promise that she intended to keep.

Her mother, Mateo, and everyone else he killed would be avenged tonight.


He flinched, watching another body dropping to the floor a few feet away from him as he watched both Cecilia and Eli killing the vampires that had showed up.

Stiles yelped when one hissed in his face before dropping to the floor and looked up to see Eli holding the vampires heart. "Thanks." He breathed out, he was surprised by how quickly the vampires had jumped out at them and seeing Cecilia fighting them off.

Eli sighed heavily. "Maybe you should get back in the jeep while Cece and I take care of the last few." He suggested, his tone filled with annoyance.

Stiles jumped back when Cece ripped the hearts out of the last remaining two and he did his best swallow down the bile that threatened to escape his throat at the smell of blood in the air. It was way to too strong.

Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi [2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang