Chapter 47:

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"So, how did your dad take the whole deadpool situation?" Emily questioned her boyfriend as the two sat together in his jeep. He had decided to pick her up and drive her to school today.

Apparently while they had been helping Malia control her shift, Lydia was busy deciphering a kill list and the guy who brought the keg was killed outside. The guy was a werewolf and whose name happened to be on the list that Lydia deciphered using Allison's name.

Stiles glanced at her, "He wasn't too happy to hear that there are people out there trying to kill the people on this list and the others that Lydia is trying to find." He exhaled, running a hand through his hair before turning in his seat to face her with a worried expression. "I don't like that you were worth just as much as Scott. There could be assassins after you."

She sighed. "I think the only reason I'm worth so much aside from being a pureblood, is that I killed my father and sister who were also purebloods."

"Either way, I'm still worried about you." He said, placing a hand on her cheek, his brown eyes shining with concern over her safety. "I know you can protect yourself but they already attacked Peter even though they were going after Derek. And Demarco was decapitated. These guys are professionals and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Nothing can kill me, remember? There are only a handful of those swords similar to the one I have that can kill a pureblood." She reminded him gently.

His eyes glistened. "But what if..."

She cupped his face. "Stiles, you can't spend every minute worrying about me. You can't just not sleep." He looked at her surprised and she smiled softly. "I know that you spent last night wide awake with your bat under your side of the bed. If it makes you feel any better, Cece called a security company to set up an alarm system for the house."

"She did?" He muttered and she nodded. He sighed in relief. "Alright, I won't worry as much but I'm still going to worry. I can't stand the idea of anyone coming to hurt you."

Emily stared at him before kissing him firmly on the lips, conveying all her unsaid emotions. He eagerly kissed her back, neither of them hearing the bell ring.




"Economic disparity exists in all forms. Well, take sports, for example. Some teams have better training facilities. Some have better equipment. Unlike Beacon Hills that can barely afford the duct tape to keep our equipment together." Finstock stopped at Stiles desk, eyeing the pictures on the teenagers desk with a disgusted expression. "You know, Stilinski, if I could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you'd be an A plus student."

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