Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

Stiles followed after Emily after she muttered something to the guy who drove them to her place before she got out

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Stiles followed after Emily after she muttered something to the guy who drove them to her place before she got out. He sent the driver one last glare before quickly rushing after the brunette. He hadn't liked the way the blue eyed adonis looking guy had been looking at Emily throughout the ride.

After much persisting, she had finally told him that she had been feeding off the guy because she hadn't felt like going to the hospital to get more blood and compelled the guy to do whatever she wanted. She had also said that the driver whose name was Stan, knew that she was a vampire but just couldn't say anything as long as she compelled him.

He knew she fed on people and it shouldn't bother him but it did. It felt like a very intimate gesture and he prefered if she just drank from him. But, he couldn't exactly tell her that especially since she was currently sick.

"So, what are you going to do..." His voice trailing, after following into her house they had gone down to the base where she apparently had a locked cellar. He stared at the chains on the wall and watched as she drank from the blood bag she had gotten from the fridge.

"You're going to lock the door behind you and leave." She said bluntly, dropping the blood bag on the floor. Her skin felt clammy and she could already feel a headache coming. She knew it wouldn't be long before the hallucinations hit her.


She tensed.

"I told you I was staying here." Stiles said right back. He let out a woah as he caught her when she suddenly stumbled. He stared at her in worry. "You need to lie down." He murmured, glancing over at the small cot that was inside the cellar and laid her on it despite her small struggle.

"No." She protested weakly. She groaned. "You have to leave, Stiles."

"I'm not leaving you like this." He told her gently, laying her head in his lap as he softly ran his fingers through her brown hair.

Emily scrunched up her face, holding back a grimace when she heard a voice she hadn't heard in so long.

"Emily, my love."

Stiles placed a hand on her forehead, wincing at how warm she was. "I'll be right back." He quickly placed her head down before heading upstairs to get some water and a cloth to hopefully bring her fever down in hopes that it would at least sooth her. When he came back downstairs with the bowl of water and cloth, his brows furrowed when he saw she wasn't in the room. He set the bowl down on the chair. "Emily?" He turned around when he felt his hairs on the back of his neck stand up and his expression filled with relief when he saw her standing near the doorway. Except when he saw the furious expression on her face, he stiffened. "Em?"

"I'm going to kill you." She hissed, quickly shoving him against the wall, choking him. "You have to pay for everything that you did."

"Em, it's me, Stiles." He managed to choke out.

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