Chapter 44:

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Derek sat in the passenger seat of Emily's car, glancing at her every few seconds as they followed behind the blue jeep

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Derek sat in the passenger seat of Emily's car, glancing at her every few seconds as they followed behind the blue jeep. There were so many more questions he had wanted to ask her as she drove to Scott's house, but there was one question that on the tip of his tongue. What he had witnessed only moments ago had made him want to just blurt out the question. "Is he someone your feeding on?" He ended blurting out, having seen the look of adoration that Stiles had sent her before she got into the car with him. There had also been a brief kiss they shared which he thought he had imagined at first along with the sharp look the human gave him before getting into his jeep.

Emily didn't even flinch at his question. "No."

"Then what is he to you?" He asked curiously, the last memory he had of Emily was of how she seemed disinterested in humans. The only time she ever showed any remote interest was whenever she fed off them. Even then it always just seemed like a game to her.

He stared at her, watching in shock as a genuine smile appeared on her lips and how her eyes softened with her gaze focused on the road. "He's the man I love." She whispered, her tone filled with a tenderness that he never knew she was capable of feeling.

The first time he had met her was when he was a child but even then she always seemed to keep a distance from him and his siblings. His mother had told him the story of how she had saved his ancestors years ago and how she was the reason that the Hale family existed in the first place.

It was also then that he had learned that Emily who was pureblood vampire — a natural born enemy to their kind— ended up falling deeply in love with a werewolf who loved her just as fiercely. Only her werewolf lover was killed.

It was for that reason that he felt so connected to Emily in the first place especially since he fell in love with a human girl who had died because he was afraid to lose her. Paige had died tragically because of a stupid choice he made and that guilt was something he carried heavily with him. Now, he learned that because he made another stupid mistake which was trusting the wrong person. And now his entire family was dead.

Hearing the way she spoke about that human who obviously loved her just as strongly, made him somewhat envious. Why did the two times he gave himself over to a girl did it have to end so horribly? When was he ever going to find a love like that?

"He doesn't seem to like me very much." He noted, he could practically smell the jealousy coming off the human. It was why he asked if she was just using Stiles. He thought that Stiles might be jealous that Derek actually had a relationship with Emily.

She winced, catching him off guard. "That's my fault." She pursed her lips as he waited for her to continue. "You and I kinda hooked up a while back before Stiles and I got together. It's kinda why I don't really hang around you as often as before. I don't like making him uncomfortable and well you're not the most exciting person to be around."

He flushed. "W-We hooked up?"

"Of course that's what you got out of all of that." She scoffed.

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