She went to slap me, but I grabbed her wrist before she could even touch me

"I wouldn't do that if I was you."

She whimpered but quickly tried to cover it by saying

"You think you're so cool because you made Nastu your minion, you made him do what you want. Typical."

I pushed her, harder then I intended too. She tripped and fell on the ground infornt of me.

I stepped closer to her, she was shuddering.

"Y-your not scaring me." She said, her voice was cracking

I smirked,

" Really, you're shaking."

She whimpered

"I'll tell Mira!"

I chuckled,

"Sure go tell Mira, tell the whole damn world for what I care. I'm not going to hurt you, but for your information. I don't use people as minions, I don't hurt people, I don't start rumors of people like some people do."

Lisanna starts crying, I scoff

"Leave." I say, she nods and runs.

I sighed and opened my door. I put my groceries inside, closed and locked the door. I turned around and jumped.

"LUSHEEEE THAT WAS SO COOL!" Happy exclaimed moving away from a shocked still Natsu who had his mouth open.

"H-how long have you guys been here?" I asked nervously

"We saw the whole thing, we're just shocked so we stayed in this position until you turned around! Plus, you were taking long and we wanted come see if you were alright." Happy exclaimed

"Why are you guys shocked?"

Surprisingly Nastu answered

"How did you do that?! I can never get rid of Lisanna."

I chuckled

"Not easy is it?" I asked

He  nodded his head. I was thinking, Natsu broke up  Lisanna?

"Hey Nastu, Lisanna mentioned that you two broke up. Why?" I asked, I kept my gaze to the floor as we started walking outside.

"Oh, well." He nervously scratched the back of his head

"You know that I was only using Lisanna to get someone jealous- Which I regret now! It was stupid and you were right it could hurt people, I wasn't thinking straight." He quickly added the last couple of parts

Well good to know he's not being selfish, I guess.

"Who were you trying to make jealous?" Someone asked, that's when I realized that 'someone' was me! Why would I ask?! Well to be completely honest, it's kinda been bugging me. Sometimes I wonder if it were me.

I mean sure, in the past he has said he's liked me but he's never said who he was trying to make jealous.

I looked at Natsu, he was turning red and sweating like crazy.

"Its okay you don't have to tell me." I quickly said waving my hands back and forth.

He cleared his throat,

"It's alright, I'll tell you Luce." He was turning redder by the second.

"Happy, look I see Carla over there. Why don't you say hi or something." Natsu said

Happy turned around,

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Happy asked

"No, now get lost." Natsu said whilst pushing Happy towards Carla.

Once Happy was gone Natsu sighed.

"You want to know who she is?" He asked once again to which I nodded.

"It was you, who I wanted to make jealous."

The world froze, so it was me! That meant....he wasn't joking when he said he liked me.

Natsu was shaking me,

"You okay? Sorry If that bothered you." I heard a hint of sadness in his tone which he quickly covered up.

"No! I didn't bother me. But um Natsu?"

"Yeah?" He asked

"I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but,I use to like you too."

My voice was shaking, why am I telling him this?! To my surprise, Natsu was blushing. I put my hands on my cheeks and realized I was blushing as well!!

"Emphasize on USE!" I quickly added

"Wait-is that why you were friends with Sting?" Natsu asked which made me uncomfortable.

"No! Sting is my friend, I wasn't using him. I stopped liking you around then because of my over dramatic little tantrum. " I rolled my eyes of the memory.

"You weren't being over dramatic." Natsu said.

I sighed, I don't want this conversation, again. 

"Let's go see what Happys doing."

Natsu grabbed my wrist

"Well, Maybe I still like you."

I turned around so I wouldn't face Natsu knowing that my face was burning up. Why is he telling me this?!

"Happy!" I called and ran off, I heard Natsu chuckle in the background.

Chapter 11 end.

See ya next week!

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