"Oh, he said something about checking what happened to the machine that we caught the Reverse Flash in on Christmas." I say. Before he says anything beeping interrupts him. "Meta alert at Central City Morgue."

"On it!" Barry says flashing out of the cortex. Right when Barry left Cisco walks in and helps me with Barry.

*Time Skip*

I get a call from Barry saying that he needs me at the beach. Before I know it I'm already there with Barry and Iris. Wait, Iris!?

"Barr, you need to say something." Iris tells Barry. What the hell is happening!?

"Alright, I love you Iris, but as a sister." Barry says, well my mind is blown but why am I here? "And Caitlin you're here because..."

"Oh, just spit it out Barr, cause as you can tell there's a freaking tsunami heading towards the city!" I yell.

"Alright! You want me to spit it out. Well here it is. I'm in love with you! I have been in love with you since college. That day we were hanging out in our spot and the sun was about to set, I  saw you looking towards the sunset and just smiling. And I knew right then and there that I shouldn't let you go and that I am irrevocably amd completly in love with you, Caitlin Snow And I know I'm too late, I know that you don-"

I cut him off with a kiss, a hell of a passionate kiss. Now that I know he feels the same way I can't hold it in. The kiss lasts about 20 seconds before I pull away and say, "I love you too. Now go save the day, Flash." I glanced behind Barry to see a suprised look on Iris' face.

"Wait, you're the Flash?!" Iris yells at Barry.

"Yeah, sorry. How told me not to tell you, to keep you safe. But right now I'm going have to save the city." Barry said as he changes in his Flash suit. "Cait, how do I stop this?"

"If you run back and forth on the beach it will create a wall where it could stop it. But Barry there's something you need to know about Wells he-"

"Cait, I'm going to try and you can tell me about Wells when I stop this." He says. "Just remember that I love you." He said with so much love in his voice.

"I love you too. Now GO!"

Barry's POV

I'm running fast. Faster than I ever have before. All that's on my mind is Cait. I have to do this to save her to go back home to her.

When I'm running I started to see the figure I saw earlier when going to the morgue then I'm back on a street. I hear Caitlin's voice in my ears.

"Barr, what are you doing go to the morgue." She says.

"But I was there yesterday." I mumbled.

"What are you talking about hurry up and check it out to see if there's a meta or not."

"Okay?" I say unsure.

*Time Skip*

All of these things are happening again. Why are they happening again?

"Trigeminal headache?" Cait and I say in union. She gives me this look, the look that could kill and at the same time says we'll talk about this later.

"Barr, are you okay?" She asks. "You look a little pale."

"I'm fine." I say looking at the ground. I finally confess my feelings and now it's erased, gone forever. Then an I dead pops into my head, I'm going to stop the tsunami from happening and Joe getting hurt. "I know where he is." I say speeding out. Once I get there I automatically put him into the pipeline.

"Wow. That was fast even for you." Cisco said looking genuinely happy.

"How'd you know?" Caitlin asks me.

"Had a hunch." I say shrugging. She gives me this look, oh shit. I shouldn't have liked she literally sees through all of my lies.

Right before she was going to say something Dr. Wells cuts in, "Mr. Allen, maybe have a word with you?"

"Sure." I reply. I follow him into the treadmill room. Now that I'm with him I'm wondering what Cait was going to tell me before I... time traveled?

"You time traveled." Dr. Wells tells me.

"Yeah, I mean it's so weird. I just stopped a tsun-"

"No! Do not finish that sentence because you can mess up the timeline more than it already is. You already caught Mardin so I'm guessing you already changed it. The more you tell me the more you're putting it at risk." Dr. Wells says.

"Um...okay. So what do I do?"

"Nothing Mr. Allen. Just continue your day." Dr. Wells says leaving. Well that was weird.

*Time Skip*

Today was a really weird day. First, I get picked in the face by Eddie, then Captain Cold comes back and I made a deal with him. I walk into Jitters to see Caitlin talking to Iris and Eddie. Oh man, I hope he doesn't come and punch me in the face again, especially in front of Cait. I see Eddie get up and start walking towards me.

Once he gets near me he hugs me. Like really tight. Why?

"Hey man, sorry for punching you earlier. Just got kinda mad you know." He says as Iris comes and hugs me too. I see Caitlin right behind her and give her a confused face, she just tries to suppress a laugh.

"Why didn't you tell us, Barr?" Iris asks.

"Tell you what?" I question.

"I just explained to them about your lightning psychosis." Caitlin says, interfering before I say anything else.

"My lightning.. wha-" I start saying.

Then Caitlin cuts in saying, "You know your lightning psychosis. A side effect from being struck by lightning, the symptoms being sudden out burst of affection and more. That why you've been spending so much time at S.T.A.R. Labs." Caitlin says. Man this woman is going to be the death of me.

"Oh, yeah, that." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"You know you could've told us right. We just want to know if you're okay." Iris says rubbing my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.

"Honestly, Eddie and I thought it was just because you want to see Caitlin more." Iris says as I start blushing like crazy. "Anyway see you guys later." She says as Caitlin and I start walking off.

"Thank you." I say to her as be walk off.

"You are welcome." She says as she smiles. Man, that smile can get me through anything. I'm so in love with this girl it's freaking driving me mad. I want to tell her but I can't. I can't do this to her or Ronnie. One day maybe I'll tell her. Maybe.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks me. Looking at me with worry in her eyes. I stop and look into her hazelnut eyes, I'll get lost into those eyes any day. Wait, she asked me a question plus she's engaged snap out of it Barry.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say.

"Promise?" She asks.



A/N: I am so so sorry it took so damn long. I had testing for school and I was like really busy this weekend but hey, I tried. Sorry if this chapter sucked kind of hoped it wouldn't but, whatever. Anyway, did anyone see the crossover? I personally loved it, showed a lot of Caitlin moments and Killer Frost was killing it. Can't wait till January 15th cause then it comes out again. Okay, so I hoped you enjoyed it!


Always and Forever(Snowbarry) ~DISCONTINUED~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora