11. Silk Shirt

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Mark was sweet and funny. He was always giggling which seemed like a weird type of Omega for Scott. But then again, someone as serious as Scott probably enjoyed someone he can be soft and sweet with.

Mark excitedly escorted Mitch to a salon. There was a gorgeous guy with a neatly trimmed beard named Gus ready to give him a cool hair style and shave his facial hair. He would be relieved. His facial hair was itchy. After oohs and ahhs when he was done, Mark even more excitedly took him to the clothing store. The Omega Kirstie was there with one leg wrapped up in a boot. But she was pretty mobile with a little wheeled contraption.

"Sir Mitch, this is Omega Kirstie," Mark introduced us.

"Hi Sir! You really are cute!" Kirstie squealed.

Mark giggled and Mitch laughed.

"Thank you. You're pretty cute too." Mitch responded.

Mark and Kirstie immediately looked a mixture of shock and fear.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Is that rude?" Mitch asked Mark.

"Well Sir, um..." Mark hesitated.

"Please tell me. I honestly don't know what I did wrong and if you don't tell me, I could repeat the same mistake," Mitch asked concerned.

"Well," Mark looked at Kirstie. "You see, Omega Kirstie belongs to Alpha Avi and by calling her cute, you were flirting with her and that could make Alpha Avi mad. He's very possessive." Mark spit out slowly and carefully.

"Ooooh, I'm sorry Kirstie. I didn't mean to flirt."

Kirstie smiled in relief, "That's okay Sir. This must be all confusing for you. Well, if you follow me, I can show the clothes we carry. Alpha Avi has allowed me to work here because I like to help people and I like clothes, so...." Kirstie said with an adorable smile.

The wardrobe Mitch had been given were grey sweatpants and a black sweat shirt. He hadn't worn clothes before so he didn't make much about it. The clothes Kirstie was showing him weren't much different. Brown, Black, Grey, something called 'jeans' which kinda looked good. There were shirts with "buttons" and t-shirts.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something of a different color. He went over and touched and it felt silky. He was drawn to a pink print silk shirt with puffy sleeves. Kirstie and Mark giggled. "Those are for girls Sir," Kirstie said.

Mitch looked at Kirstie's pretty light blue dress and Mark's kaki brown shirt. He looked at Kirstie and said, "As Alpha, I demand you give me this shirt in my size and....." he looked around and saw a pair of ripped jeans, "those pants and those shoes" pointing to a pair of silver boots.

Kirstie and Mark looked at each other with wide eyes, but ended up shrugging their shoulders. They were Omegas and Mitch sure ordered like an Alpha although he SO didn't look like one when he walked out of the shop, Mark and Kirstie trailing behind him, very worried.


It was dinner time and they were to meet up with Scott in the cafeteria. Mitch knew his way around a bit now so he took the lead. Heads were turning and almost snapping as he walked to his destination, Mark and Kirstie a few steps behind him, heads down.

Mitch had had breakfast and lunch and wasn't hungry in the least. He wasn't use to eating three whole meals in a week, let alone in one day. He walked straight through the food lines and toward Scott's table. On the way, there was a wolf whistle which caused Mitch to grin but didn't look for the source.

"Hey Scott! How are you?" Mitch said with a wide smile.

Scott and everyone at his table were staring at him like he had just landed from Mars.

"Why is it that every time I see you, you manage to shock the shhh... oot of me?" Scott said flabbergasted but with a grin of his own.

Mitch shrugged, "I like the color and feel this!" He held out his arm to Scott. Scott obliged.

"Wow, that does feel nice."

Mitch smiled feeling he proved his point.

"Well, okay then. Please have a seat."

But before Mitch was able to do so, a loud siren rang throughout the building.

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