18. Honeymoon

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After dinner and dancing, a group of the oldest couples paraded Mitch and Beau to a little cottage that was to be their new home. Kirstie and the other Omegas had decorated it  while they were at the festival. They sang a traditional song to them as they entered the house. It was lit with candles, petals were scattered on a path to the bedroom, wine was poured in glasses and fruit and chocolate and a small cake were placed on a small table with a table cloth in the corner.

It was small but romantic.

Mitch looked at Beau who was blushing and looking down. Mitch slowly and sweetly kissed his lips. He ran his fingers through his hair. Beau's eyes were huge. He looked slightly worried. Mitch was determined to remove that worry. He kissed him again, making it more passionate. He entered his mouth and explored with abandon. When they parted, Beau didn't look nervous. He looked blissed out.

Mitch began unbuttoning Beau's tunic. He removed it and folded it over a chair. He unbelted his pants and removed them with his shoes. Beau stood where he was placed. Mitch put his hands on Beau's shoulders and pulled him down for another kiss. He moved his hands to his waist still while kissing him. He felt and tasted Beau's groan as his erection was pressed against Mitch.

Mitch released him from the kiss and gently pushed him down on the bed. Mitch undressed himself and added his cloths to the same chair he had folded and placed Beau's clothes. As Mitch laid on top of Beau, Beau's eyes changed to blue.

"Don't,"said Mitch.

"Don't what Sir?" replied Beau.

"Your eyes are green, not blue. Don't change them. I'm not 'Sir.' I'm Mitch. Out there, we'll do what we need to do to fit in the best we can. It makes sense. But no, here, you are Beau and I am Mitch."

Beau just looked at Mitch for a moment. He concentrated and he could tell by Mitch's smile that his eyes had returned to green.

"Good. That's very good."

The happy couple was given 2 weeks to be lazy and happy together. They spent a lot of their time in bed, going for walks, picnics by the lake. Their rooms were cleaned and reset for romance each day. Flowers and delicious meals. It was a dream Mitch could never have imagined. The same went for Beau. They shared this good fortune with the full understanding and appreciation of its unlikely occurrence.


A/N: Hey y'all. Just a head's up. I'm going to be busy this week, so I may not update until Monday. Also, it's hard to say exactly, but there's just about maybe 3 or 4 chapters left of this book.  I hope to have the second book published early next year. Thank you so much for reading!

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