12. Perimeter Breach

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But before Mitch was able to sit, a loud siren rang throughout the building.

Everyone got up and started running. Scott had nodded to Mark and they understood each other. Both Mark and Beau tugged on Mitch's arm to have him follow them. The others ran in a different direction.

"What is it? What's going on?" Mitch asked as they walked quickly out of the building and to the woods.

"Our perimeter has been breached. There's a good chance we are under attack by another pack," Mark answered while we started a light jog.

As they had been moving, others had joined them, Kirstie included who was being carried by two others.

"What other..." Mitch started but before he could finish Mark had been knocked down by a blur that turned out to be a huge wolf. Two more appeared from the other side. Then more. As each wolf knocked over someone, they would transform to human form and incapacitated someone from Scott's pack and started to carry them off.

One had an unconscious Kirstie over his shoulder and was jogging away. Mitch instinctively picked up a large stone and threw it at the guy's head. He hit the back of his head squarely and he dropped to the ground. Then he picked up another stone and did the same to another wolf who had knocked Beau down and was kneeling by his side getting ready to pick him up.

He had taken out one more before the rest turned in his direction. Seven wolves circled him growling. Though they had him surrounded, Mitch could see beyond them. Many from his camp who had joined their walk to the woods lying unconscious. The wolves surrounded him in a circle.

There weren't any more stones within reach. He slowly backed himself toward a tree.

All at once, they all lurched toward him.

Just as they got within a few feet from him, Mitch jumped straight up into the air and grabbed onto a tree branch right above him bringing it down with the weight of his body. The blizzard from a few days ago had left big chunks of snow on the branches. The snow crashed down on the wolves. Mitch held on to the branch as his feet hit the ground. He pushed off and let the branch swing back up and jumped up on the branch to be at a better advantage when the snow dust up settled.

When the wolves burrowed themselves up from the ton of snow that had fallen on them, other wolves were coming at them running and howling. Mitch recognized the lead wolf as Scott in his wolf form.

The invading wolves took off running. A few of the incoming wolves gave chase, others went to some of the wolves from their party who lay unconscious. They would transform to human form and checked them for injuries.

Scott had transformed and was looking at Mark who was unconscious and bleeding from his throat. Scott stood and had him in his arms. He spared a look at Mitch who was still in the trees. Scott's look was indescribable. He turned and took off running back to camp to the infirmary with Mark in his arms.

At the base of the tree appeared a naked Gus. "Hey! Come on down. We need to get back to camp!"

Mitch dropped and followed Gus back.

Mitch was taken to his room and told to stay there. He took off his new clothes that were now soaked through with sweat and were torn beyond repair. His shiny, silver boots were caked with mud. He took a long hot shower, put on clean sweats and a sweatshirt. Then he sat on his bed, knees up to his chest and waited.

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