6. Mmmmmitch

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I woke up again in the same room. It was dimly lit. For once, the tall blond guy wasn't there. At first, I thought I was alone but when I tried to lift my hand, there was something lying on top of it – or I mean someone. I looked down and saw a mop of light brown hair.

I tugged a bit trying to free my hand, but it woke him up. He looked a bit disoriented. I just looked at him.

All at once he realized where he was and what his hands were resting on. He jumped to his feet looking a bit scared.

"Hi," he said still in shock. I just looked at him not use to speaking at anyone or at all.

He had a bit of a baby face and a barely there mustache. But very cute.

I opened my mouth which felt weird. I didn't have a snout. I looked down at my hands, rather than my paws.

"You transformed," he explained quietly.

I couldn't think of a single thing to say.

"My name is Beau. What's yours?"

I could understand what he was saying and I felt as if I had an answer buried deep inside me. I looked into his light green eyes and opened my mouth again. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmitch." It was hard to get the word out and my "m" came out funny, abruptly with little air.

Beau tilted his head and repeated what he heard, "Bitch?"

At that exact moment, the door opened and in walked Alpha Scott. Scott felt pretty sure he heard right, but what the hell?

"Omega, did you just call him 'bitch'?"

Beau's eyes went wide and fearful, "No! No Sir! I would never!"

Mitch didn't want Beau to get in trouble, he tried again, "Mmmmmitch!"

"Oh! Okay then," Scott said chuckling. He wasn't mad at Beau, just confused.

"Beau, can you go get Matt or Kevin please?"

"Yes sir," Beau replied scampering out of the room.

"He didn't do anything wrong," Mitch said softly. He discovered if he didn't think about forming the words, speaking came out easier. It still sounded strange and his throat felt raw.

Scott made his way to where Beau had sat, "Great! Human form and human speech are much easier to get more detailed answers than in wolf form."

"I was a wolf," Mitch said mostly to himself as a statement.

"Yes, you are a Shifter. But you haven't shifted in a very long time. Why? Where is your pack?"

"I don't have a pack. I didn't know I was a Shifter."

"You have no memory of ever being human?!" Scott said surprised.

"I... I..." Mitch was remembering his dreams from long, long ago. In those dreams, he had a father, a mother and .... a cat."

"I used to have dreams. Or I thought they were dreams," Mitch said softly. Without thought or notice, tears slowly started to roll down his face. He put up his hand to his face and felt wet. He looked down at his hand confused.

Scott reached for his hand. "It's okay. Don't worry. You will become part of our pack. We have some excellent researchers here. Maybe we can find your family. Do you need anything?"

Mitch just shook his head no. He didn't want to speak, his throat felt shut.

"Well, you do need to eat. I am the lead Alpha, and it's my job to make sure everyone in my pack is healthy and satisfied."

Just then Kevin walks in followed by Beau.

"Ah! Just getting to you. Mitch, this is Beta Kevin. He is our lead physician. Once he looks you over, I'll have someone bring you dinner. Do you have any questions?"

Mitch had a hundred questions but none he could articulate. He was overwhelmed. He just blinked at this mountain of a man who spoke with such authority. "No."

"Good! Good! Beau, go to your quarters. Thank you for staying the night with Mitch but you need rest."

"Yes sir," Kevin replied and then turned toward Mitch.

Alpha Mitch?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora